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A completely random question

May 09, 2011 space999999 link
Do people with penial cancer get amputations? That would REALLY demolish an ego.
May 09, 2011 Whistler link
That would be "penile" cancer, and yes in advanced cases:

"Total penectomy involves removal of the entire penis for large tumors. The surgeon reroutes the urethra behind the testicles and a urethrostomy (hole) is created so the patient can urinate. Penile reconstruction surgery using a flap of skin from the forearm to create a new penis has been done, but the procedure is still extremely rare."

So it sounds like the patient becomes a "sitter".
May 10, 2011 space999999 link
Would the doctors give the patient a choice of death?
May 10, 2011 Whistler link
That's always an option, but the doctor won't help you with it.
May 10, 2011 Lord~spidey link
Dieing to save your lump ridden dick for a few more months is a pretty dumb idea i doubt it happens often.
May 10, 2011 space999999 link
But if you have to get it amputated, and you don't have enough money to get a new one from someone else, or to get it from your forearm (which would be pretty disturbing) then you'd be without yer baby makers for the rest of your life.
May 10, 2011 Lord~spidey link
yea well at least you'd be alive, I don't see the argument here.

Being a lifeless corpse with a dick.

Or being alive without a dick.

Its a no brainer man. :P
May 10, 2011 Pizzasgood link
A real man continues being a man even without his man-parts. Only somebody who's really a little girl on the inside would rather die than go without them.
May 10, 2011 cardinalsmurf link
" The surgeon reroutes the urethra behind the testicles and a urethrostomy (hole) is created so the patient can urinate."

Wait, so, the patient retains their testicles? So, they may still feel the urge to have intercourse causing no end of frustration?

That seems wickedly cruel to me.
May 11, 2011 Whistler link
I would think that if one were actually having intercourse with any frequency, they or their partner would notice something was wrong and treatment would begin long before it came to this.
May 11, 2011 space999999 link
And this is even weirder (well hey, I'm entering puberty and my hormones are kicking my ass) but....
what if there was a siamese person, and they had penile cancer, would they have 4 testicles but no penis? Would the urge to have intercourse DOUBLE?
May 11, 2011 space999999 link
And why wouldn't they just give the person a sex change to put them out of their misery?
May 11, 2011 Pizzasgood link
What do you mean "why wouldn't they?" Do you have reason to believe that if you wanted to swap sides they'd refuse you just because you were already partway there? Of course, they wouldn't do the operation of their own accord. You'd have to request it. Doctors can't just swap people's genders without permission...
May 11, 2011 Whistler link
"Siamese" or co-joined twins are joined in all sorts of ways, though I have yet to hear of that particular setup. However, since they would have roughly the mass of two people, twice the testosterone probably wouldn't have that greater of an effect. The other thing to consider is that nothing is as horny as a male in early puberty - so it's probably not as bad as you might imagine.
May 11, 2011 space999999 link
Mm. That probably explains all these thoughts I've been having, not to mention the boners, whenever I see a cute girl. :9
May 17, 2011 Kierky link
That's kinda a stupid question. You're not siamese, nor about to have a penectomy. So why bother asking?
May 17, 2011 space999999 link
Like I said, completely random question.
May 18, 2011 Pizzasgood link
Kierky, why do you possess such intimate knowledge of the health of his naughty bits? I find this rather worrying.
May 18, 2011 space999999 link
I think my baby makers are quite healthy, and none of your shit.
May 25, 2011 Growlor link
A relevant topic that may give you more insight is the case of what happens to too many men with prostate cancer: they don't get diagnosed until it has spread to become testicular cancer. I personally know at least 2 people who held off on the decision to get them amputated and ended-up dying.
I REALLY hope I will never be presented with that choice!