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Your Soul for a Game

Apr 22, 2010 Dr. Lecter link
If you think I'm "reading into" your posts, you should feel free to point out, with specificity, what I've got wrong and why.

Until you do so, your retorts are hollow, like the space between Alloh's ears. If was dissecting your sorry little posts and reading into your retorts, I'd be arguing with myself. Which might actually pose some sort of a challenge. It's easier by far to argue with you, being as you are lower down on the intelligence and rigorousness food chains.

To your credit, however, I think you may have me beat on smugness. Congratulations.
Apr 22, 2010 toshiro link
I find that usually, it matters very little what I write when posting replies to your statements, since you read what you want to read anyway.

As for dissecting, yes, you usually go by "falsum in unum, falsum in omnibus" when you're having (verbal) acid reflux, and niggle away at one detail at another. That is actually a compliment.

I'm not too sure about the intelligence thing, however. You go for taunts like these like a bull goes for the proverbial red rag. I sincerely hope that that is not how you conduct your daily life. If you do, I feel very, very sorry for you.
Apr 22, 2010 Kierky link
Apr 22, 2010 Dr. Lecter link
Ha, speaking of reading what you want to read.

My willingness to use cannon to blast gnats varies in direct proportion to my level of boredom. Not unlike my willingness to engage in conversation with yourself, a relatively tedious and non-responsive lump of decaying flesh with all the mental agility of a mid-level insurance company bureaucrat.

At least Gav manages to say something apposite (by accident, I assume) from time to time; you rarely say anything totally wrong, but you also never really say anything relevant to the topic at hand. It's more or less a constant failure to join issue, as reading over any appreciable number of your posts makes quite clear. If you have some sort of objection to getting into an argument, of course, you had best keep your mouth shut lest you say something desperately in need of support that you are either unable or unwilling to give.

Perhaps a practice of shutting the fuck up could qualify you for the breezy, above-such-petty-details-like-logical reasoning affect you like. Wading in and then furiously casting ever-softer vaguenesses about you most assuredly does not.
Apr 22, 2010 toshiro link
No, you shut up, please.

Your actions do not match your words.
Apr 22, 2010 Snax_28 link
A compliment from the Rear Admiral, my life is complete.

Seriously though Tosh, you shouldn't bother arguing with the man until he remembers to refill his prescription. Issues indeed.
Apr 22, 2010 toshiro link
I wasn't going to bring that up... a gentleman never tells.

Why rear admiral, though? Of the yellow squadron?
Apr 22, 2010 Snax_28 link
Rear Admiral Douchebag.
Apr 22, 2010 smittens link
Haha I clicked Gavan's link, read your arguing for a little bit, and tried to figure out what political thread that was taking place in.

Then I scrolled up to the top. They should make a sitcom about you two!
Apr 22, 2010 peytros link
lol smittens now that you pointed that out I can't stop laughing.
Apr 22, 2010 Dr. Lecter link
Gav is correct--it's best to catch me after a bit of scotch. Or now, where I'm working on so little sleep that I've somehow flipped over to being nice to people.
Apr 23, 2010 ShankTank link
how is it to find an DOCK on the space sattion?
Apr 23, 2010 Snax_28 link
Wrong thread Shank! Here, try this.
Apr 23, 2010 ShankTank link
I was actually trying to form a post containing a cocktail of known elements that set off Dr. Lecter to slap him back into his senses.
Apr 23, 2010 toshiro link
So Lecter is like Mike of Shortpacked?