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Mine Ubuntu setup!

Mar 18, 2010 Lord~spidey link
Been playing around with nix for the past week, <3.

Mar 20, 2010 ladron link
Great. Another ubuntard. This is exactly what we need.
Mar 21, 2010 diqrtvpe link
Heh, c'mon, ladron, you know Ubuntu is a great gateway *nix! They try a Live CD, and next thing you know they're dabbling in BSD, and a couple months later you find them by the side of the road with an ancient Gentoo box promising blowjobs for reductions in compile time.
Mar 22, 2010 vskye link
Considering that *BSD doesn't even have a native version of flash available, yeah it really rocks as a modern desktop experience.
Mar 22, 2010 ladron link
Heh, c'mon, ladron, you know Ubuntu is a great gateway *nix!

Yes, because more idiots who are completely unwilling to figure anything out on their own clogging up previously useful mailing lists and irc channels is a great thing!
Mar 23, 2010 Professor Chaos link
My Mac setup: Right out of the box. Oh, look... it works just how I want it to! Sweet.
Mar 23, 2010 diqrtvpe link
I feel like this entire thread should be stamped Obvious Troll is Obvious.
Mar 23, 2010 vskye link
I was referring to BSD distributions, like PCBSD, FreeBSD.. not fricking OSX.
Mar 24, 2010 Professor Chaos link
Uh, huh. And I was referring to who freakin' cares about being obscure, my OSX gives me very few problems, is great to work with, and worked great out of the box. All I really needed to do was add photos for my desktop background, and it was as I wanted it. No headaches! :D
Mar 24, 2010 vskye link
Heh. Yes, I remember bringing my Imac home and setting it up in like 10 minutes. Twas awesome. :)
Mar 24, 2010 Will Roberts link
just as soon as i get the drivers for the keyboard and monitor loaded, i'll show you guys...
Mar 28, 2010 ladron link
Professor Chaos: Does OS X work sort of like this?
Mar 28, 2010 Professor Chaos link
vskye: It took you that long? Hehe.

ladron: Um.... yeeeeaaahhh.... exactly like that... you're a smart one...

(Beside the point, that is one of the funniest things I've seen. Very well done edit, I love watching all the characters dancing to the music. Certainly a better application of those clips than they were originally intended for.)