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Jolicloud Netbook linux distribution

Feb 10, 2010 vskye link
I recently bought a netbook, and me being me, I wiped Windows XP off it, and tried various linux distributions. Most had something wrong with them, either just running off the vesa driver with a 800x600, or something else.

Anyways, I tried Jolicloud and it works perfectly. Wow! Here's the link to their website. (not affiliated with them, just happy)

It's based off Ubuntu Jaunty without all the annoying crap. Also, my netbook is a eee pc 1201hab.

Edit: Ok, the function keys don't all work, but it's close
Feb 11, 2010 peytros link
Linux; for taking something that works fine, ruining it, then trying to fix it while always having something be slightly broken.
Feb 11, 2010 ladron link
Yeah, linux sucks, it's so insecure. Run a real OS like OpenBSD on that thing.
Feb 11, 2010 look... no hands link
I've always found Linux to be too much work, especially considering all I do with my box is play games. Granted the last time I really put any effort into it was about 10 years ago.
Feb 12, 2010 vskye link
lardon: your a idiot, it's a frickin netbook. The entire point to this tread was that this was a easy linux dist for a NETBOOK. If you don't have anything positive to add, then STFU.

look: linux has changed a lot in 10 years.
Feb 13, 2010 ladron link
Right, right, a NETBOOK. Considering the fact that those generally have cameras and microphones, and are generally carried around with you wherever you go, isn't it even more important to keep them secure? You wouldn't want some script kiddie hacking into your netbook and listening to your conversation in the bar just because you were running some toy OS on it, would you?
Mar 03, 2010 Alloh link
Try Mandriva Linux 2010.

Everything works fine out-of-box on any netbook I tried. For Asus, all keys. Don't forget to add package eee-control, so you can control your CPU clock and control peripherals...

They even have a WM aimed at netbooks, but I am too much used to KDE.

Anyway, from Asus, Acer and Lenovo, all worked flawless with Mandriva since 2009.
Mar 03, 2010 vskye link
Thanks Alloh.
Mar 04, 2010 Person link
Out of curiosity, what flaws did you find with Ubuntu?
Mar 04, 2010 vskye link
Well, only the netbook remix works, and at a resolution of 800x600 I believe it was. I have the dreaded GMA500 video chip. And personally, I hated the look of it also.

On SuSE I was able to get a resolution of 1024x768, otherwise that was ok, but I dislike Yast. (I prefer apt, which is available for all debian based distributions)

Basically, I tried a bunch of different distributions, but none of them worked "out of the box" without tweaking a bunch, except Jolicloud. I tossed Windows XP back on the thing until I have more time to screw around with it.

Also see Inc's comment in this thread, regarding the video problem.
Mar 05, 2010 Alloh link
Ah, there's a live CD and live usb images for Mandriva 2010, so you don't need to install to check it.
Mar 05, 2010 vskye link
Yeah, I know.