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I hereby claim 2009 Troll of the Year

Feb 09, 2010 Dr. Lecter link
Not only did I get the most votes in the thread, I managed to get the thread locked.
Feb 09, 2010 ladron link
I would make you a trophy, but it would probably involve a dead cat, and that might make little mommy-boo uncomfortable..

Edit: In case that comes across the wrong way, I mean no offense to momerath, I just find it odd that anyone who's been around the internet for very long would find a dead cat particularly disturbing. Then again, I've seen much worse, and I've done some rather gross biology IRL, so I guess I've just been desensitized...
Feb 09, 2010 peytros link
i was actually going to give it to incarnate because he locked the thread but w/e
Feb 09, 2010 incarnate link
ladron: It made Michael (momerath) uncomfortable (I never even saw it, and I'm fine with that). I don't think Ray even read the thread.

I appreciate the votes, but perhaps leebs can make a super-asshat award for Lecter or some such.

(also, let's not devolve this thread any further, mmkay?)
Feb 09, 2010 ladron link
Oh right, sorry about the lapse of memory. Fixed :D

Inc's right though, this should be in off-topic. Then again, so should just about everything in General...
Feb 09, 2010 genka link
Lock through gross-out pic. Master troll indeed.
Feb 09, 2010 zamzx zik link
we mightive well be 4chan if merely getting a thread locked and posting some gore counts as 'master trolling'

it's more like you're a 'master [DELETED BY WHISTLER]'.
Feb 09, 2010 Dr. Lecter link
It's not like I goatse-ed him. And it was a perfect counterpoint to Gav's MOAR cat :P
Feb 09, 2010 look... no hands link
could always claim it was ment to be educational about feline anatomy.
Feb 10, 2010 Snax_28 link
Given the list of nominees it should have been called the "Part time Troll of the Year Award".

VO needs some real trolls. This community is too small for them to last.
Feb 10, 2010 look... no hands link
genka was active for a long time as a troll. atleast for these forums. And Zamzx, I doubt 4chan has any trolls better than ours, the ones they have are largly just crude morons, our trolls troll with style.
Feb 10, 2010 Dr. Lecter link
When it comes to trolling for trolling's sake, genka used to be VO's very best candidate. Mine is just a reflection of my combative and vitriolic manner of conducting any discussion, rather than aimed trolling.
Feb 10, 2010 Snax_28 link
Then I'll assume you'll be handing back the "trophy" you've claimed? If your objective isn't trolling, then you are by definition, not a troll. :P
Feb 10, 2010 Whistler link
I agree about genka. He has made me actually LOL a few times.
Feb 10, 2010 Dr. Lecter link
Regardless of my intent, it seems that the objective consensus is that I am, in fact, a troll. Maybe you'd like to enlighten us all about how that consensus is just plain confused.
Feb 10, 2010 Impavid link
Well, I'm very glad to see the devs participating in this completely useless thread, because them getting anything done in actual development would be unthinkable. Whistler's participation makes me glow inside, because that [DELETED BY WHISTLER] always has something negative to say about our trolls, and I find it insulting. Lecter, while you certainly make your fair share of unruly comments, I feel you often have too well thought out a point to qualify, despite your assertions to the contrary. Finally, I am frankly insulted that I wasn't even mentioned in the previous troll of the year thread, given that I am possibly the greatest disruptor of everything that has ever lived. Perhaps I'm just too subtle for all you lame brain gamers...

Feb 10, 2010 Snax_28 link
Feb 10, 2010 vskye link
Imp, stfu. woot! wins the tread. :) Besides, your just a useless troll that retires one troll that activates another troll that is in fact, just a obvious troll that plays a stunt man that emulates a actor that gets all the credit. haha
Feb 10, 2010 Whistler link
Oo! Kindly link to some recent post where I've said something negative about our trolls.
Feb 10, 2010 ladron link
I'm pretty sure he was just trolling, Whistler. I can tell from the [/troll] tag and from having seen quite a few trolls in my time.