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Lecter's CV, Family & Medical History

Feb 06, 2010 Snax_28 link
Place holder for Lecter. Whistler would you mind making this a sticky?
Feb 06, 2010 peytros link
is someone trying to be a stalker?
Feb 06, 2010 Dr. Lecter link
Medical history, medical history. Well, let's see. There was that nasty 'burning when I pee' sensation that I had for a few weeks after a romp with your mother, Gav. Think that's about it, really.
Feb 06, 2010 Chaosis link
What the hell is this i dont even
Feb 06, 2010 Snax_28 link
Haha woo! Don't ask me Chaosis. It made sense last night when I got home. I love waking up hungover to see what happened the night before. :P

Edit: Ahhhh riight.
Feb 06, 2010 LeberMac link
This thread is going to remind me of THIS I think.
Feb 07, 2010 Dr. Lecter link

Because I hate you, Trebek.
Feb 07, 2010 Snax_28 link
Bah, this thread makes no sense anymore thanks to eternal ninnie-dom.

Might as well let it get beat down into the realm of off topic-ness.
Feb 07, 2010 Dr. Lecter link
This thread made zero sense from the get-go. Since your brain clearly doesn't function drunk, you should probably either avoid posting while trashed, or, not drink so much.

Ha, you can just skip that last suggestion, being Canadian and all. We know how you guys are.
Feb 07, 2010 Snax_28 link
You ain't seen nothin...
Feb 07, 2010 Dr. Lecter link
Feb 16, 2010 Whytee link
Don't worry, some details are forthcoming shortly.