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Caprica Series

Jan 30, 2010 Alloh link
What are you opinions about Caprica, the Series? It is a spin-off of Battlestar Galactica, and will cover the creation of cylons and end on 1st Cylon war.

Its discussions can be applied here:
-If you die, and your "mind" is transfered to another body, is that still you? Or a copy, another person with similar "mind"?

Check on your fav torrent or P2P net, or

Reference in IMDB and SyFy
Jan 30, 2010 Professor Chaos link
Your mind transferred into another person's body? That sounds like Dollhouse, which just ended. The second best show Fox ever murdered prematurely, and which had possibly the best acting I've ever seen on TV. *sigh*
Jan 30, 2010 ladron link
I think the fundamental issue here is that by crating some "minds" on closets, monsters eat candies there before anyone else has a chance to. Copy of monster still eats candies, and "mind" are on different closet, but still "mind".
Jan 30, 2010 Dr. Lecter link
The latter 2/3rds of your post is terrifyingly Alloh-like, ladron. You win thread and have scared me.
Jan 31, 2010 Snax_28 link
The fact that you used the word "Dollhouse" and the phrase " acting" in the same thought PC is deeply troubling.

Edit: Unless of course the cast managed to take some acting classes since the first season...
Jan 31, 2010 Professor Chaos link
You are insane. Whatsisname (Franz Kranz?) who plays Topher is very good, the chick who plays November is amazing (as she glitches under the influence of the psychotropic drug in that one episode, it is especially evident), and Enver Gjokai is incredible. Especially when they download Topher's personality into him so Topher can be in two places at once, is impersonation is spot on. It's not any of their faults that Eliza Dushku can't act worth shit, but is the "star" of the show. It's an amazing ensemble cast who is placed in a crappy actress's shadow. Oh, and whatsername that plays Adelle DeWitt is also amazing.
Feb 01, 2010 Snax_28 link
It's an amazing ensemble cast who is placed in a crappy actress's shadow.

Hmm, perhaps. There're a number of movies/tv shows that fall prey to this shortcoming in the producers'/studio's vision. Unfortunately, if you are indeed correct, it was enough to make me cringe every time I tried watching that show, which admittedly wasn't very often; Entertainment that makes me cringe usually doesn't get to many secondary chances. The other issue here of course is that those supporting roles often lose focus in the mind's eye when overshadowed by such a "star" role.

I'd say I would give it another chance, but I don't think I could go through that again :P

Caprica on the other hand: I've been meaning to check it out. Anyone else have an opinion/review/critique other than Alloh?
Feb 01, 2010 Professor Chaos link
It's worth another chance. My biggest problem with the show was Joss Whedon's approach once it was cancelled. Rather than pretend it wasn't cancelled and just go on like usual as he did with Firefly, leaving so much unanswered, he rushed to conclude all the dangling plotlines, so the second half of the second season had a hastily glued together feel to it. But the characters were already very well established, and the plots were interesting even if the climaxes weren't given nearly enough time to build toward.

I started watching because it was Joss Whedon's show, and found the first few episodes mildly interesting, then halfway through season one I decided it was a show worth sticking with, and I was more than glad I had. When Summer Glau made her appearance, she also was brilliant as always.
Feb 01, 2010 Shadoen link
Havent seen it, been more interested in Dexter.
Feb 01, 2010 Resistance37 link
I think the character of Alpha (Alan Tudyk) was a brilliant "bad guy".

Whedon is great at casually going through some weird change and then answering it in the next episode, but Alpha's change from bad to good without any explanation showed how little time they had to develop a worthy plot for the finale.

Now that I think about it, the finale kind of sucked. The only good part was Echo's breakdown. Fck FOX for ending another great show.
Feb 01, 2010 Professor Chaos link
Well put, Resistance. Holy crap... how did I leave Alan Tudyk out of that list?!? I didn't like the twist that he was Alpha, because he was so damn perfect as the agoraphobic closed-system designer guy. Man, that was hilarious!
Mar 08, 2010 Alloh link
Back on Caprica, the series is starting to gain momentum. Not much hard-sci-fi so far, but promissing...

So, anyone else watching it?

And it makes me wonder WHY the death/respawn side of VO is not clear... many examples of that, even Bounty system does not consider this side of VO.
Mar 08, 2010 Dr. Lecter link
Enough with your borderline illiterate abuse of the English language.
Mar 08, 2010 peytros link
because its a fucking game alloh
Mar 08, 2010 blood.thirsty link
tis cos ye'r all fraking toasters!

die well scums!

: ]
Mar 12, 2010 Whytee link
the death/respawn is very clear. It is whatever you like it to be. Peytros hit the nail dead on.....