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Avatar reviews wanted:

Dec 22, 2009 Kierky link
I thought it was quite good, great in 3D though.
Jan 01, 2010 Phaserlight link
I enjoyed it, it was thematic if not so plot intensive. I also went into it with low expectations and was surprised.

The humans had problems like being crippled or addicted to cigarettes that they escaped by plugging in to their Avatars, the juxtaposition of the dream world to the waking world, the hero's quest. Toward the end the movie began portraying the humans as the "bad guys" which it did a good job of avoiding in the beginning. I find moral ambiguity more compelling than polarized good vs. evil. Of course the movie critics are going to bash it, but honestly I thought it was different enough to watch a second time.
Jan 01, 2010 toshiro link
Enjoyment here, too. Suspension of disbelief yes, but it seems a giant heap of time went into slicing and dicing the surrounding stuff.

Too bad the story sucks so much.

Oh, and one last thing: 3D the future of cinema? Don't make me laugh. Cash cow? Yes.
Jan 01, 2010 ladron link
Toward the end the movie began portraying the humans as the "bad guys" which it did a good job of avoiding in the beginning. I find moral ambiguity more compelling than polarized good vs. evil.

You must not have been paying very much attention. There was no moral ambiguity whatsoever, and the humans were portrayed firmly as the "Bad Guys" from the very beginning. If you want to watch it again, that's your prerogative, but be realistic; it was a CGI tech demo with no plot and cardboard-cutout characters.
Jan 10, 2010 Alloh link
i saw it on 3D Imax. Sold out one day before.

Worth each cent paid, and was very expensive for local cinema standarts.

It's as closest to an LSD trip as cinema can be. There's even some story as background, but the "everything glows" on 3D makes it a high!

I use contacts and had no problem with polarized glasses. Was with people using glasses that did not complained. But it is known to cause nause and headache on some people. If you ever tried some 3D cinema and survived, take 3D Imax version.

Anyway, magistral piece of cinema, comparable to the best Sci-Fi movies ever, and a great technology demonstration. And even has some story behind the images...
Jan 10, 2010 Professor Chaos link
Jan 11, 2010 ladron link
And even has some story behind the images...

You have got to be kidding.

Also, PC, your post would be funny if you used the original image, rather than the one failblog took and stamped their logo all over.
Jan 11, 2010 Dr. Lecter link
He's not kidding. It's all about how to crate monsters on closets 'cuz that's where teh candiiiiiiiieeeeeeeezzzzzzzzzzz are!
Jan 12, 2010 toshiro link
There must be some story behind some images... I think some effort went into the creation of the Avatar universe, only they did nothing to do it justice.
Jan 12, 2010 Resistance37 link
I liked it. I haven't seen a 3D movie since the red/blue glasses... and the IMAX was a great experience, so I may be biased a little. I will admit the storyline wasn't the best... and they stole a lot of stuff from other movies... (Some even directed by Cameron) Like the robot from Alien.
Jan 12, 2010 Professor Chaos link
Still waiting to see it, but it seems to me with all the effort put into making the universe, some effort toward a story would be nice.
Jan 13, 2010 A-Dawg link
Just saw it again tonight, both times in 3D. Visually it was mind blowing, even after the second viewing. The plot and characterization aren't poor, it just doesn't bring anything new to the table. I'd see it a third time.
Jan 15, 2010 Professor Chaos link
I just saw the new trailer for Avatar... very cool!


I don't get it... Earth is gone, so humans have crossed the universe to settle on... Terra? And... they're going to terraform... Terra???
Jan 15, 2010 mdaniel link
I saw it 3 times. First time IMAX 3D (amazing) and then 2 times regular 3D. I will probably go see it again. So yes, I liked it alot. But go see it in 3D only.
Jan 15, 2010 ladron link
Battle for Terra looks a lot more interesting than Avatar.
Jan 16, 2010 Professor Chaos link
Okay, so I just watched it (in 2D). I don't feel like writing all my thoughts now, but there is a lot of interesting discussion that can come from this. Here's my short review:

The Pocahontas/Fern Gully/Avatar comparison is absolutely valid, but fortunately only on a very superficial scale.

Guess what? This is a very good movie, and I highly recommend it. The character development was not the best ever, but was far above my expectations, and enough that the shallow story premise and predictable plot can mostly be forgotten (except when they say retarded things like "fight terror with terror", "shock and awe", "daisy-cutters", "there's no green left on our planet", etc., etc., that take you out of the story and remind you that Cameron is trying to make a useless and dated political statement as much as he's trying to make a good movie). I still don't think this movie achieves better special effects than Jurassic Park (I doubt that movie will be beaten, but I'd love to see it happen), but for a 99% animated movie, this one definitely does the job the most believably, and I was impressed even more than I expected to be by the incredible visual art.

So, going into this as I usually do in these situations where I'm skeptical, i.e. with low expectations but high hopes and an open mind, I'd give this movie a B+, maybe an A-. That's high praise coming from me, so hey. Don't call it the best movie ever, because it's not, but there is a lot good to be said about it, and I (with the exception of a few facepalms) absolutely loved it. If I had more money I'd watch it again in theater (maybe even in 3D, but I don't like the whole 3D thing), and I will definitely buy it on DVD.
Jan 16, 2010 Alloh link
the glasses are not crappy red-blue ones. They use polarized ones, so colours are perfect, almost saturated.

I said there is some story behind it. That is proven by Pocahontas, ooops, mean Avatar plot posted above... ;)

But I will again, 3D allways. Flat only at home when I get its DVD...
Jan 17, 2010 toshiro link
3D is overrated. I tremble in fear of the day when it goes mainstream in gaming. Something new for developers to hide their inadequacy in storytelling, character and gameplay development behind.
Jan 17, 2010 Professor Chaos link
Amen, tosh. It's definitely cool that we can do 3D, but just because a movie can be filmed in 3D doesn't mean it shoule be filmed in 3D. I find it cool, but distracting.
Jan 17, 2010 ladron link
Remember when video games were rendered in 84x24 ascii characters and required cunning strategy to win?