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Cow and Chicken use Whale and Dolphin as scapegoat?

Nov 13, 2009 Dr. Lecter link

That is all.
Nov 13, 2009 Professor Chaos link
South Park has really gone downhill in the last few seasons. It's like they barely even try anymore.
Nov 13, 2009 smittens link
Definitely downhill, but definitely still one of the better shows on television. Although I wish they would spend less time picking one issue and ripping on it, and more time just telling hilarious stories like the old days. The biker one was pretty great though
Nov 13, 2009 Professor Chaos link
Yeah, it used to be that poking fun at current events was incidental to making fun of broader, more universal things. Now the show is just a parody (though often a good one) of the latest headline. The good news is that both The Venture Bros. and Metalocalypse are back, and both of those shows are still in their uphill phase.
Nov 13, 2009 smittens link
I've never really been a fan of either of those shows, but yeah you're totally right on about south park.

Chaos do you watch the Daily Show? They spent a good 10 minutes the other night comparing Obama/America's current state to the USSR right before its fall
Nov 14, 2009 Professor Chaos link
I used to watch The Daily Show. I would tolerate Jon Stewart's smug arrogance, thinking he's so clever doing a "fake" news show but he's so smart that his jokes really make resounding points with his audience, because his reporters were funny. You know, Stephen Colbert, Ed Helm, etc. Then Stephen got his own show, and it was hilarious for quite awhile since he didn't take himself so seriously as Jon does, and even though he was mocking my point of view by taking it to extremes, he was funny. Then came Election 2008, and he became a slightly less insufferable version of Jon Stewart, and I stopped watching.

However, the bit you're talking about sounds interesting. Jon Stewart is actually intelligent, even though he is conflicted between his own very liberal beliefs and saying what he thinks his audience wants to hear. So it doesn't surprise me much that with Obama becoming so unpopular so quickly, with buyer's remorse setting in so soon, that he would turn on Obama and start saying things that actually make sense. For once it seems like criticizing a Democrat President isn't an instant media death sentence. I will see if I can find this bit online; I'm curious now, thanks.