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Put a cover band together, opinions on name/logo?

Nov 08, 2009 Armonia link
i was just curious what you guys thought of this. it might be cheesy, it might be genius. i have asked many people and its pretty much 50/50. me and a few friends are in a cover band and we made this sign, but havent used it yet lol. what do you guys think?

Nov 09, 2009 Resistance37 link
Hahaha, got a laugh out of me but I'm going to have to say REALLY corny. Doesn't mean I don't like it.
Nov 09, 2009 LeberMac link
That's a good act.

I say if you play on stage, REALLY put out the guitar case with some spare change in it. As a prop, really, but I would not discourage ACTUAL tipping.

Start the set with a single light above the guitar player/singer, doing some simple tune to start out with - something everyone knows.

Next tune, turn the light on behind the guitar player to show the drums & drummer, the next tune has drums & guitar.

Next tune, add the bass player. Or the keyboards, or horns, or whatever. Keep building, with more intense songs until you've got a rocking full quartet/quintet or whatever you have, and when the set winds down, go back to 3, 2, then 1 musician as you finish the last song, which would be a guitar instrumental again.

That might be a neat stage act.
Nov 09, 2009 moldyman link
In tough economic times, you do what you can. Corny but good.
Nov 10, 2009 Armonia link
not bad leebs, i'll keep that in mind.

thanks for the opinions, guys, i really appreciate it.

its supposed to be corny, because it makes you laugh and you dont forget it.