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AI War: Fleet Command

Oct 29, 2009 ShankTank link
So I've been looking around for a good RTS as of yet and stumbled upon this game. I saw that they put this little space RTS on Steam and I thought I might try it out. At first I thought it was just going to be Star Craft 1 in space (it certainly had the look of it) but I was pleasantly surprised by the battle mechanics, the beast AI, and the fact that at most battles there are over 90,000 ships (despite their 2d icons) on your screen at once. And, I have to say, I'm liking how this RTS works compared to the generic Star Craft-inspired RTS games. It focuses more heavily on strategy in battles (for example: all the tactics like diversions and flanking actually work in the large battles... believe me I've used creative tactics successfully in a pinch) and in the overall campaign rather than who can micromanage the most. That and the multiplayer game can actually be focused on coop because the AI isn't retarded.

Anyways, fun game, I was wondering if anyone else plays this?
Oct 29, 2009 DivisionByZero link
I don't play the game, but it reminded me of the one game that actually focused on real-time tactics that I've played: Ground Control.

That was fun. Hard, but fun. I don't think it took off, though, because the company that put it out was pretty small and they had network code problems.
Oct 29, 2009 ShankTank link
I just looked that up, looks fun (and free). I'll check that out later.

There is some resource gathering in AI War, but you just press one button and all the resource spots on [over] a planet are filled (not advanced by who can click the worker button the most). Just enough to give certain planets bigger economic priorities than others. But yeah, the things that really interest me about AI War are the focus on strategy, the fact that the AI is really good and allows PvE gameplay over and over again, the sort of "campaign" set up of the games, and that there are over 90 fucking thousand ships on the screen at once sometimes.