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While on the Topic of Web Comics Set in Space...

Oct 27, 2009 A-Dawg link
&stripHere is another one! David C. Simon's Crimson Dark

The story is simple, but entertaining, the dialogue is fairly tight. All in all it's a fun little comic, if you're into that sort of thing.

P.S. Yes, the spacecraft on the intro page does share an uncanny resemblance to a HAC, and Vaegyr Ward does share somewhat of a physical resemblance to Lawrence Fishburne circa, "The Matrix."
Oct 28, 2009 toshiro link
Like the cel-shading. The Frig (it's a Frigate, bwahaha) reminded me of StarWars more than the HAC, shame on me. Will definitely give this more of a chance.

It's a bit unnatural how they are just so frozen (like a picture novel), but I guess that's what you get when you omit some of the important elements in a comic.
Oct 29, 2009 ladron link
This is actually a pretty good comic. GS should hire this guy as a content writer or something.
Oct 30, 2009 toshiro link
I read on a bit, but was not really struck by anything special (except for the art style, and that didn't grip me). Plus, it looks too reminiscent of Star Wars comics I've read.
Oct 30, 2009 vskye link
My favorite non space web comic is:

Off topic, but true.
Oct 31, 2009 ladron link
Needless to say, the best webcomics are xkcd, Questionable Content, and Gunnerkrigg Court.

Also, I've seen people make text links rather than just dumping the entire url in the post on this stupid half-assed forum. How do you do that?

Edit: url stuff fixed. Thanks, Chaos
Oct 31, 2009 Professor Chaos link
You type inside square brackets, type the text you want displayed as the link, then type /url in square brackets.
Nov 20, 2009 toshiro link
Needless to say, the best webcomics are in my opinion xkcd, Questionable Content, and Gunnerkrigg Court.

Fixed that for you.