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City Tank: THE GAME!

Oct 03, 2009 Capt.Waffles link
CITY TANK! Finally after how long? I've finally gotten my game into a distributable format. At this point it only runs on Mac. Sorry, Windows and Linux users. In time i'll build a Windows version, and mybe Linux if i can figure out how.

Its, well, its super basic at this point. A lot of proof of concept stuff in there.
WASD and arrow: move
M: switches turret mode
Space: fires secondary
Left Mouse: fires primary

There are 2 levels at this point, kill all the blue tanks to go to the next one.
There is a cheat see if you can find it

UPDATES (see below):

Feed back is welcome. Enjoy!

Here's the newest version:
Linux/Source: (requires pygame)
But, kinda borked see quick fix here:
Oct 03, 2009 Snax_28 link
Neat little scroller.

Few things:

1. When you did* die, nothing happens. The game just stays where it was, and the baddies just keep attacking your the spot where you died. Took me a bit to realize I had to hit escape to get back to the menu.

2. The bombers move like helicopters, better than helicopters even. I would suggest either making them only able to go in a straight line(ie. a bombing run), or change the graphic to something that can actually move like that.

3. The AI is incredibly stupid and predictable and has zero pathfinding ability. This may be something you already know though.

4. Whatever that "Bliggy" button is on the main screen, it crashes the program.

Other than that, neat little game. How long did it take you to do it?
Oct 04, 2009 Capt.Waffles link
Thanks for trying it out. I've been working on it for a while, well, more like I was working on it. 2 or 3 months of work, a lot a lot of learning. I haven't touched it in about 4 months, then decided to try again to make it stand alone and it worked. I probably should have explained some more stuff about it. The stage the game is in right now is terribly awful. I was in the middle of about 7 projects when i quit working on it. All of those issues are very well known to me. So...

1) Yup

2)They were a proof of concept idea, thats why they spawn so often and have crazy turning ability. In the current developmental stage they are faster, don't really turn and drop more bombs.

3)Oh this i know all to well. And I'm working on it, but it's kinda low on the list right now.

4) The "bliggy" is actually buggy. The font is kinda weird (also on the list). And oh yeah it's broken. Basically when you select that you fall off the edge of the code into an abyss occupied by random meanderings of drunk coding.

Things to come:

-Larger map, dungeon crawling style (think old school zelda)
-no more bliggy :(
-dropped "power ups"
-more stuffs!

Expect more to come! Once again sorry Windows and Linux users. I don't have access to either, so if someone wants to learn some stuffs and be my py2exe bitch we all could have a windows or linux version(honestly, linux apps look scary as shit to make).
Oct 04, 2009 Capt.Waffles link
added new level system, actually drive to next level. look left, look right.
Oct 04, 2009 Dr. Lecter link
Can you kill that bomber?
Oct 05, 2009 toshiro link
SAM weaponry has been suggested.

Also, working on sprites (still working, Waffles...)
Oct 05, 2009 Capt.Waffles link
Lector, not yet. And their the spawn algorithm is kinda, well, its retarded. Every 10 seconds or so there is a 25% chance of one spawning. I did this at first to make sure that they worked and haven't changed it cause I'm tweaking them.

Thanks toshiro!
Oct 05, 2009 sakuramboo link
As far as I know, there is no py2exe for Linux. It's just a python script. Exe's seem to be something only Windows people crave because viewing source code is bad.

Also, it already works in Linux. In just `chmod u+x` and then run it. Some bugs, but no crashes. ;)
Oct 07, 2009 smittens link
Nice to see it all come together! Or at least more together. Although nothing happened once I killed all 5 blue tanks... how do you get to the next level?

The bombers are a great addition!
Oct 08, 2009 Capt.Waffles link

EDIT: not so GIANT SCREEN SHOT OF DOOM! ok that last one was way to big, but here it is if you want to see it
Oct 08, 2009 Capt.Waffles link
HUGE UPDATE! (to go with that huge screenie)
I added a bunch of (if not rough) changes:
-Even newer map/level system, easily scalable for larger worlds
-Replaced the large canon with a laser
-Health now carries over between levels, no more full health with loaded level
-Health increased from 25 to 40
-The drones now drop repair 'drops' adds +10 to health
-Bombers now act more appropriate, drops more bombs

Here it is:
Linux/Source: (requires pygame)
Oct 13, 2009 Capt.Waffles link
Found and error and don't feel like compiling and uploading a new one, so heres the fix:
Show Package Contents ~/Contents/Resources/libr/
Open that in an IDE or even TextEdit (I tried it, it works) and change this line:
"b1":("b1.png", "a1", None, None, None) TO "b1":("b1.png", "a1", None, "start", None)
Save and Shabooya! it works!
Mar 03, 2010 Capt.Waffles link

Shameless, none the less.
Mar 03, 2010 ladron link
This game sucks. Is there even a way to kill the little blue tanks without them hitting you?
Mar 03, 2010 Chaosis link
lol this is ridiculously silly
props, bro
Mar 04, 2010 Capt.Waffles link
This game sucks.
You're welcome, douche bag.

Is there even a way to kill the little blue tanks without them hitting you?
You mean, like, by not sucking?

Thanks Chaosis!
Mar 04, 2010 toshiro link
Also, evil attention-grabbing bump pic.