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Sep 12, 2009 Tertior link
Don't look, hear only

UP: no problem with my firefox 3.01 and quicktime 7.6.4 on os 10.5.8
For"Tosh " c l'heure du film" c'est un oubli rien a voir oops
Sep 12, 2009 toshiro link
Mais la site disait "C'est l'heure du film"... En plus, elle demande un plugin (Quicktime v7.1.*) qui se trouve sur la liste noire de Firefox.

Edit: Je plaisantais concernant le truc son/image ;)
Malheureusement, malgré le téléchargement du plug-in, ça ne marche toujours pas. Je pense que c'est la faute de l'ordinateur que je suis forcé d'utiliser (portable avec XP... mon Mac est chez le "docteur").
Sep 12, 2009 Professor Chaos link
"Cloudburst" by Eric Whitacre, conducted by the composer. Same idea, but with very interesting music to it as well. The storm "breaks" about six minutes in, and from 5:30 to 6:00 is like the calm before the storm bit. My high school choir performed this back in 1999, but we weren't quite as good as this choir (though we kept pitch slightly better through the storm bit; I don't think it's possible to stay perfectly on key through that chaos). The brief spoken bit three minutes in makes me cringe a bit because of the accent, but this remains one of my favorite choral pieces ever. Very fun to perform.
Sep 12, 2009 peytros link
don't cha know thats how minnesoooootans talk?

hell if you think thats bad you need to go up to northern mn
Sep 12, 2009 Professor Chaos link
Hahaha! Yeah... I'm fairly certain in a choir that size you can probably find someone who can pronounce the Spanish properly, maybe even an actual Hispanic person there. Though ironically, when my high school choir performed this ten years ago, we had two hispanics perform the spoken parts (a guy took the first bit and a girl the second), and they sounded almost as bad. I don't even speak Spanish, and I could perform that better. It makes me cringe for being so bad in the middle of such an otherwise amazing performance. I've lived in Utah, Colorado, Missouri and Idaho, and spent significant time in Washington, Oklahoma, West Virginia and Pennsylvania, so I have definitely been exposed to many accents.
Sep 12, 2009 Snax_28 link
That's pretty cool (the OP). It does help to not watch initially, as at first I kept thinking "that just sounds like a bunch of people snapping their fingers". Very well composed.