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Happy Independence Day, everyone!

Jul 04, 2009 LeberMac link
Well, at least to the U.S. Citizens out there, to the rest of the world: Happy 4th of July!

Here's where us arrogant Americans thumb our noses at the brits: Nyah Nyah! :)
Jul 04, 2009 Surbius link
Happy Independence Day!
Jul 05, 2009 toshiro link
Happy throwing tea in the water day! No, wait. Wrong date. I'll be back!

Happy (belated) Independence Day! Will you remember the Swiss national holiday, too? ;)
Jul 05, 2009 Professor Chaos link
Sorry, tosh, the Swiss holiday means nothing to me, but have a happy one!

Happy Independence Day!
Jul 07, 2009 toshiro link
Worth a try though.
Jul 07, 2009 MSKanaka link
Thirteen colonies decided to fight back one day
Over tea-taxes they didn't want to pay.
When all started to go awry
The British were heard to cry:
"We didn't want that country anyway!"

Couldn't get the meter right exactly. Oh well. :(
Jul 07, 2009 Dr. Lecter link
Or the date, either.