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Dear Incarnate, why the insult?

Jul 04, 2009 blacknet link
<Skylark of Valeron> Happy Independence Day Inc
<Incarnate> happy.. non-offensive.. universe.. day.

I find this very insulting, esp when I have a very long line of relatives who has fought and died in combat in many wars all the way back to the revolutionary war itself. Several died from combat related injuries years after they saw action and several during combat.

The 4th of July is to honor the memories of those, past, present and future. It's not a day to wage politics about just or unjust wars but to recognize those few who do give up their lives and make sacrifices for their nation.

Perhaps I may have read the reply wrong and if so then I am sorry for going off on this. If I did read it wrong then can I get some clarification as to what it does mean?

Jul 04, 2009 graphicboy link
Yes please.
Jul 04, 2009 incarnate link
You numbnut, you seem to have cropped the whole "Why don't you mention Canada Day" conversation that I was actually responding to. It was an offhand joke about being equal-opportunity in good-wishes for national celebrations, and if you want to take it seriously, you're more than welcome to shove it where-ever you like. A substantial portion of my own family has died in combat, and I certainly don't need to hear implications from over-sensitive, self-righteous idiots like you.
Jul 04, 2009 Martin link
Best response evah!!!
Jul 04, 2009 Whistler link
I can't say I'm surprised. You've had that coming for quite some time.
Jul 04, 2009 peytros link

blacknet stfu the world wasn't made to please you there are more countries in the world then just america stfu and go back to the south. you aren't the only one with relatives to die in a war and if it is beyond your simple minded concepts to think that people can be patriotic and liberal and serve in the military and still respect other countries go die in a hole.

also moda im pretty sure july 4th is about the birth of our nation not memorializing soldiers deaths i think that is what memorialday is for... atleast get your holidays right if you are going to get butt hurt
Jul 04, 2009 Tertior link
hmmm Locked
Jul 04, 2009 moldyman link
There's some of that passion and zeal I want to see from the Devs! Good response!
Jul 04, 2009 incarnate link
I don't find that this stuff is very healthy for the community, so I'm moving it to off-topic.