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new army robot creepy dog thing

Jun 03, 2009 look... no hands link

this thing is really weird, i think if i saw that coming down the street id either shoot it or hit it with a truck, or both, unless i was drunk, then id try and ride it.
Jun 03, 2009 Whistler link
If they put some fake wings on it and painted it like a wasp I think I'd lose my mind.
Jun 03, 2009 toshiro link
Um. Old news?

Nonetheless, it's an amazing piece of work, especially the robustness against disturbance. Honda could learn a lot about making Asimo run from it, and they probably are doing so.

Oh. Also: Spoof
Jun 03, 2009 djmorglith link
Behold...the first quadruped Mech prototype. And the first "I wish I was a Mech pilot" spoof.

Speaking of robots...anyone know how much those Asimo things are and what theyre good for other than looking cool and giving bragging right of "I have an expensive as hell japanese robot and you dont!" right?
Jun 03, 2009 Shadoen link
Looks like one of them combine hunters.
Jun 03, 2009 toshiro link
Well... It's not as easy as that. The Asimo has undergone several major version changes (from a slightly less imaginative P1,2,3 to Asimo), and has as such allowed many researchers to do experiments with a walking robot. All that data was not collected for nothing.

As for direct applications, the Asimo is capable of serving drinks without spilling a drop, even in a crowd (although there are limits to that, obviously). The collision prevention algorithms are pretty interesting, as is the knowledge gained from the pure mechanics of the robot.

This is not meant to belittle the Big Dog in any way. But try to think less in terms of pissing contests; rather try to see it as different approaches to slightly similar tasks (namely, load bearing in interaction with the environment). Because it will be some time before you'll actually see such robots in general use.
Jun 04, 2009 peytros link
this thing picks up its own shit right?
Jun 09, 2009 look... no hands link
no peytros, it shits into the air. and makes one hell of an annoying noise that will alert enemy soldiers, "HEY FREE US ARMY SHIT HERE"