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New PC Idea

May 25, 2009 moldyman link
After a brief foray into the Apple world, I think I can safely say that I want to be back with PCs. So, I'm probably selling my unibody Macbook Pro and buying a PC + iPhone (for basic mobile computing).

My limit for the PC was 1 grand with monitor, and I'm happy to say it came in much less than that. Here it is:

That, plus an iPhone on a family plan, comes out to roughly 1 grand. I was thinking of possibly getting a Blackberry, as long as I can check my email, some basic websites and IM people (AIM, MSN, etc).

Comments, suggestions?
May 25, 2009 yodaofborg link
Avoid the Blackberry, and wait for iPhone 2.
May 25, 2009 smittens link
iPhone 3?

And if you already have the iPhone, why would you need the Blackberry? Blackberry may be better at the "office" tasks, but not better enough that you should need two devices.
May 25, 2009 moldyman link
I don't already have the iPhone.

I have a Macbook Pro and a cruddy free phone with TMobile.

I want to sell the Macbook Pro.

And I want to buy a PC for gaming and an iPhone (or possibly Blackberry) for mobile stuff (as well as phone obviously).

And thanks for the heads up yoda! My contract expires in August anyway, so I can wait on the phone replacement!
May 25, 2009 smittens link
oh. well in that case, my understanding (having owned an iPhone and talking to many people about it, including a friend who tried running a company full of iPhones instead of blackberrys) is:

Unless you NEED to conduct a lot of business on your phone, iPhone is the way to go. It's way cooler and more fun, it's just not as great for lots of emailing
May 25, 2009 roguelazer link
I'd spend the extra $45 to turn that Core 2 Duo into a Core 2 Quad Q8200. Of course, I do a lot of highly-parallelizable work, so the extra 2 cores and extra cache is worth much more to me than the extra .4GHz.

Also, eww G.Skill RAM. It's all about the Corsair, man.

I'm curious why you're getting one nice WD hard drive and one tiny under-cached Seagate. Why not get two WDs?

For comparison, here's the rather more expensive (and sans-GPU and monitor) system that I've got in my rolling window of computers to build:
May 25, 2009 peytros link
how much would you be selling your MBP for?
May 25, 2009 moldyman link
Around $1500. I could spend all that on the new PC, but I need to shove some into savings, and I don't game THAT heavily.
May 26, 2009 toshiro link
Nice knowing you.
May 26, 2009 Touriaus link
PNY optima RAM is nice also.

anda 512mb vid card might work for you, depends...
May 26, 2009 moldyman link
Bought! Thanks!
May 26, 2009 slime73 link
It's probably too late, but if you want a cheaper video card the ATI Radeon 4770 is the best $100 card out there. :P,2845,2347388,00.asp
May 26, 2009 roguelazer link
Although I would still advise against giving ATI/AMD your video card business...

So what did you end up buying? The exact system you linked us to?
May 26, 2009 Surbius link
You could have saved a bit more if you went for an AMD cpu/mobo solution, a different monitor and minus the third party fan/cooler. An ATI gpu is optional as their performance can be on par or slightly below a Nvidia gpu, plus if you plan to use Linux on the machine the Nvidia gpu helps.

EDIT: If price/performance was the big thing you were aiming for, you could have done better, imo.

I also noticed there is no disc drive...
May 27, 2009 moldyman link
Same as is in the list, plus a dvd drive.