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May 22, 2009 ShankTank link
Anyone else using Leopard notice that games run faster windowed?
May 22, 2009 toshiro link
Not yet...
May 29, 2009 toshiro link
Now I have. I get roughly 5 fps more if I run VO in windowed mode on my MBP Core 2 Duo 2.4, with its GeForce 8600M GT.
May 29, 2009 ShankTank link
Hmmm, I thought so. Every game I run on Mac (at least Leopard) seems to run a lot faster in windowed mode. I haven't done it with Vendetta, but I think the biggest improvement I saw was doing it with WoW (I can't check anymore because I haven't played it in so long that I'd have to download 5 days (ETA) worth of updates lol).
May 29, 2009 roguelazer link
Are you doing a fair test (i.e., same resolution &c)?
May 30, 2009 ShankTank link
Aye, aye... same on my laptop as well (also a Mac)... very odd I can't think of why it might be (all different games, too).
May 30, 2009 toshiro link
rogue: I am assuming my laptop's monitor switches resolution when windowing/fullscreening. So, yes. I only change that setting. Should I be aware of any other setting?

But I think this thread might be happier in the 'MacOS X' forum.