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Wolfram Alpha

May 16, 2009 ShankTank link
I know this guy from the famous symbolic manipulation program "Mathematica." His search engine's going to come out in a matter of hours or so, might be pretty cool.

Apparently it does much more than search (I expect as much from someone like Wolfram), looks like it could be fun.
May 16, 2009 JestatisBess link
i been hearing about this for a week now its cool. Different then Google but it does complement it well.
May 16, 2009 ShankTank link
May 18, 2009 MSKanaka link
May 18, 2009 toshiro link
Izumi Konata?
May 18, 2009 MSKanaka link

Konata's theme is (assuming this is "1", this is "2", this is "3", this is "4", and this is "5"): 1 1 2 1 3 4 3 4 5
May 18, 2009 toshiro link
True, I noticed after listening to Konata's theme. What is it, then?
May 19, 2009 roguelazer link
That would be spoilarz, I'm afraid.
May 19, 2009 Sledge link
The media keeps saying things like: Google has competition now, etc. etc. I tried it and it's not Google. Google returns web pages that contain the words or subject matter you're lookin for. Wolfram actually returns answers to equations, request for specific data, etc. For now I don't think Google has much to worry about.

May 19, 2009 ShankTank link
Aye, in fact... let me rephrase my first post, 'twas a mistake. Wolfram Alpha isn't even a search engine. As it says on the site, it's a "Computational Knowledge Engine." It is completely different. So far I have found it very useful in my studies, though. It feels good, I must say, not to writhe about in internet mud and edited wikipedia entries for hours until I actually find the small bit of information I'm looking for. It will never replace google, though, when I actually do look for said internet mud.
May 19, 2009 toshiro link
It is rather limited when it comes to non-US knowledge.

Jun 09, 2009 Shadoen link
Ask him if he's skynet!!

I lold.
Jun 09, 2009 toshiro link
It's wrong about Skynet, too...
Jun 09, 2009 Dr. Lecter link
When asked what it is, it says a "Computational Knowledge Engine."

When asked what a Computational Knowledge Engine is, it says "Me."

But, when asked about petitio principii, it is entirely clueless.
Jun 10, 2009 toshiro link
I've yet to try out Google2. I'm much more interested in that, since it allows multi-dimensional search.