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Jul 19, 2003 Renegade ++RIP++ link
Euhm there was a thread with a collection of all the occasional/ habitual newbiekillers. Did it get deleted , and if so what is the reason behind this ?

It was just a method of informing the newbies that they should evade or at least rethink of trusting certain players.

Jul 19, 2003 genka link
Hem, I didn't like it anyway, it was personal attacks at peoples reputation. Like invisible one, I couldn't imagine him killing newbies and yet he was on the first list.
I say, let the newbies learn for themselves.
Jul 19, 2003 Forum Moderator link
Essentially what genka said. Posting something like that is offensive to many of the people listed, and invites flame wars and hard feelings. Please read blow.

Be Nice

The Vendetta message board is intended as a communications medium between the Vendetta userbase and Guild Software, Inc. Users are welcome to discuss general game-related topics, make suggestions, or voice constructive criticism about our products.

This area is meant to be a positive place for constructive discussion of the game. Flames and other rude behaviour will not be tolerated. Offenders may have their accounts deleted. If you have a suggestion about the game, we would love to hear it. If you disagree with someone, please keep it good-natured. Thanks.

Bugs, crashes, and the like should be reported via the bug reporter.

[EDIT]:Before asking a gameplay-related question, please read the ... faq thoroughly
Jul 19, 2003 Suicidal Lemming link
Please read the manual should be removed as it is very outdated...
Jul 19, 2003 Renegade ++RIP++ link

It could be offensive, but when it is the truth, those people have brought it on themself. Naturally if there are people who dont belong in that category, then they will speak up. Besides a lot of the so called newbiekillers are proud to be one.

And in my opinion this board is an informatioon medium, and having preleminary information from who is sure to go and kill you is always valuable for newbies. And if you at the same time press the newbies that they cant complain, but should just take it like a man/woman ;) and try to become better, then maybe the newbies wont work themselve up that much that they are going to quit playing. And in stead will play more, just to try and beat that player that constantly killed him.

But I do understand your point of view, it will only encourage flaming. But maybe this little downpart is worth the big advantage? I dont know, just wondering.

Jul 19, 2003 Icarus link
Icarus is a n00bie killer!

I ain't ashamed... Technically i'm just a player killer, but i will kill n00bs too if they get too close...
Jul 19, 2003 genka link
/me kills this one n00b every day
Jul 21, 2003 furball link
Amen panda amen! (about the community).
Jul 21, 2003 Forum Moderator link
The original post did not get moved here because it was felt to contribute to the overall unrest seen in and out of the game. Quite a bit of leeway has been given on a board that clearly states that it's purpose is to allow communication between the developers and the playtesters. It is a forum for constructive criticism regarding ways to improve the game. A line has to be drawn somewhere. Saying "Griefers are a problem because they always do ________, and it ruins the game for me. I suggest ____" Or "Exploiters have been using ______ and it really spoils the flow of the game" is totally fine and helpful. Saying "I hear-by saddle this specific person with an unpleasant label because I disagree with what he does!" or worse, is taking it out of the realm of building the game and into the realm of complaining about and insulting people we don't agree with. This isn't helpful in building a game, stirs up a bunch of hard feelings, and resolves Nothing. At most it makes the poster feel good for a minute to vent... but then the replies start rolling in.

You all want a good community? Work at it! Behave the way you think others should, set an example. It doesn't matter that you used to if you don't anymore. Think about the repercussions before you post. Otherwise, go post on the other boards.
Jul 21, 2003 Renegade ++RIP++ link

you say that a community isnt needed, but like you will be well aware of, in any game "yes even a test", a community will be formed. And yes, there are people who hate each other, but there are also people who made a lot of friends in that supposed to ne hatefull community "me thinks about SL, WM, ..."

The real reason, why some of us hate other players" me thinks about griefers, newbiekillers and that lot" is that our job is to test the game/engine. Now, if I get wormcamped, stationmined, rocketrammed"is a valid tactic, I know, but it is sure annoying", ... that impedes my ability of testing the game , because I will log off in stead of playing on. I havent got a problem with it, because I can loose a couple milles and i love this game, but there are people who pop in, try to learn the basics of the game, and when they venture outside their homesector, get blasted by things they have never seen before. And this happens over and over again. I dont know if you people know, but this will happen:

1) the person will quit "me looks at all the unused accounts - 5%(to include people who took a break)" --> maybe 40 -50%

2) the person will take his frustrations later on out on other newer players "vicious circle, anyone ?" --> maybe 15 - 20 %

3) the person tries to improve so he can kick the butt of the unrightious "evil" --> maybe 10% "me was one of these"

And another anectodote about the community, people hold betas or test as a representation of the final product. Even if guildsoftware says it isnt, people will still judge on the things they see today, it human to do so. So with every person that leaves, you dont only loose one valued player but you also loose potential mouth to mouth advertisement. And that will in the long run affect guildsoftware.

Forum moderator: You are right, we should work at it, and I am working at it. But the problem is you setting the example, why would people even follow my opinion, im obstucting their fun with my morals, so why should they adapt. Because I kill them? Nope doesnt work and will only make it worse, because youll get innocent people in the crossfire who will maybe bare a grudge against you.
Like everywhere, people want to have fun, but when they hurt someone elses fun, then that is ok, but when somebody else does that to them, then they gets mad. I would prefer, that you leave everybody alone, and let them have their fun. There are wars, cappingopportunities and duels enough if you really want to blow people up.

And I really moss it when people when they entered a sector stated that they were non hostile, it kinda looked like we were civilised in stead of madman who would shoot at everything that moved.

Sooo pleeeeaaaasssseeeee, let us go back to civilisation and stop acting like an ********************************** "dotted for your convenience by Rennie, your neighbourly watchdog :D"

Jul 20, 2003 Rabid Panda link
I requested that it be moved to the RP section because you foolishly posted it in the General section with no intention of talking about the game at all, only it's players.
Jul 20, 2003 Renegade ++RIP++ link
To set one story straight:

I didnt post the thread, I just replied on it, and wasnt able to find it not even in roleplaying to check the responses, if I had seen it there, I wouldnt have objected.

sidenote: the community makes and breakes a game, a community is an assembly of players. So if I talk about players, then im talking about the community, and if im talking about them then I´m talking about the game.

And please RP, stay nice, you dont have to insult me by saying that I am a fool. I know, you dont mean it, but words are powerfull :D. Yes they are powerfull

Jul 20, 2003 Rabid Panda link
I was referring to whoever posted it in the first place, and I think at this point in time the community means somewhere between nil and nothing and zero since there are no sales being made, just bandwidth being used. Your "community" is nothing more then a group of people who seem to hate each other for no real reason even though we all have the same objective, to see this game on a retail shelf and a ultimately larger user base.
Jul 21, 2003 Rabid Panda link
Another good point Renegade. Though isn't much one or five people can do to change a community that seems bend on not really getting along with other people, then then again, people are also role-playing and might not be the jerks you think them out to be. If I remember correctly someone tired to make a list of the current users characters and their personal info of the character, after some weeks, people stopped posting on it and it disappeared and everyone forgot about it.

I do think that the manual needs to have warnings and the like in them, I always hear that someone has a manual so I stop working on mine but I have yet to see the manual updated. Perhaps no one knows that if you submit a manual to guild via email they will use either all or parts of it as the official manual. I would also like to see on all versions of Vendetta on a first run a popup would show up saying "Would You Like To Read The Manual? (Highly Recommended)" This would stop people for logging on and asking so many damned questions. I'm sorry to be so harsh but I think someone having to teach a "n00b" the basics of a simplistic game such as Vendetta is quite harebrained.
Oct 30, 2009 Dr. Lecter link
I feel like we should have one of these again!
Oct 30, 2009 LeberMac link
It's funny that Rene started this thread. HAR.
Oct 31, 2009 Lord~spidey link
we have a moderator?
Oct 31, 2009 Whistler link
I stopped using that account because, at the time, people were paranoid that I was "hiding" behind the account - though it certainly wasn't a secret that I was the FM. The standards have morphed as the community has evolved, and the community does moderate itself to a degree. I still moderate, but not nearly as heavily.

All that said, I'll still nuke the thread if it becomes a flame war.
Oct 31, 2009 Dr. Lecter link
Hahaha. It looks like I have a much easier time of it now than back then, though. If I'd joined a year or so earlier, I'd probably have gotten banned :D
Oct 31, 2009 LeberMac link
If you're not using the account, Whistler, can I have it? I'd love to login as "Forum Moderator", even though I don't actually have any Forum Mod powers...