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Filefront closing indefinitely March 30

Mar 25, 2009 slime73 link

It has shitty ads and flash all over the place but not waiting to download files was awesome. :'(
Mar 25, 2009 Shadoen link
Piratebay all the way!! :)
Mar 25, 2009 Lord~spidey link
OH fuck...

/me prays to The almighty Ai director that theres a way to download everything in one shot.

I probably generated like 50 cents in ad revenues for these bastards i better get my shit back!
Mar 26, 2009 toshiro link
mediafire > filefront
Mar 26, 2009 moldyman link
filebeam beats all
Apr 02, 2009 slime73 link
Apr 04, 2009 LeberMac link
so... nothing to see here, move along?
Apr 04, 2009 moldyman link
mmhmm, I've seen this before...

At any rate, cheers, good to see a company *not* fail