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Mar 02, 2009 LeberMac link

So epicly bad, he gets his own page in the duelstats.
Mar 02, 2009 moldyman link
Mar 03, 2009 Touriaus link
Old news leber.

Who? Me? was a player that dueled everyone in a bus and tried to get the lowest duel rating possible.
Mar 04, 2009 Dr. Lecter link
I think Leber knew that, Mecha. Also, at one point, his duel rating was negative.

And Mecha, you're still here. Why? The drama get boring already?
Mar 04, 2009 Touriaus link
I think you guys really need to get a new hobby.

I'm beginning to realize this has nothing to do with me, but more about you idiot trolls having something to gnaw at, some sort of attention for yourselves. In an odd way, it's not about this claim of "doing it for attention" but rather you're doing it for attention. You side track every thread with it, it's incredible.

You're relentless in your pursuit for some kind of reaction out of me to feed your need of attention, to the point where you disrupt every line of communication until I give it to you. The more interesting thing is *why*? Why do you want *my* attention, but then again you do this to more people than me, so it's more about you. Is this some sort of escape for you? Maybe from some kind failing you think you have at communicating, but you are a lawyer. Most people act this way on the internet because it's pretty easy and it requires nothing of them. Usually an indicator that they can't attain something in real life. Given the way it comes out on the internet, it usually mirrors the problem. So if one was overaggressive and felt the need to harass people unnecessarily, it might indicate they get this kind of treatment irl, or it compensates for some kind of failing irl and being successful at this makes them feel adult. Or they are dismissed often and use the internet to lash out at people. But you're a lawyer, so the idea of you being dismissed seems silly.

And as a side note, you should not speak for lebermac.
Mar 04, 2009 smittens link
Wow Lecter. He showed you! ;)

Mecha, It's just a bit strange that you "leave" complaining about these "people" who are giving you a hard time... yet haven't really left the forum at all (one of the hardest places to avoid such people), and in fact seem to thrive on diagnosing their problems.

Of course if you really aren't gone, it's good to have you. I think the previously-mentioned issue just what has Lecter so inquisitive.

And Leber definitely did know about who?me?'s tendencies, I remember talking with him about everyone's favorite *did-er, back in the day's of IA. I think the thread was more to pay further tribute to wm, in addition to the honor of having his own page!

And as a side note, this thread seems destined for locking :(
Mar 04, 2009 moldyman link
He likes thinking he's better than everyone.

And what's who? me? been up to anyway? Left a long time ago if I remember right :|
Mar 04, 2009 Dr. Lecter link
My questions were rhetorical, Mecha. But your ranting is amusing despite its pointlessness. Feel free to continue posting about the game, Mr. "I'm leaving the game, I'm leaving the game!"

With respect to your "education" of Leber, of all people, about who?me?'s duel rating history:

Mar 04, 2009 Touriaus link
Moldy, I never said that. And I do not think that. For all of your information. My sub ends on the 12th. So I still have paid play time and I can do with that as I wish, which is fair.

And Moldy, as for being "thinking he's better than everyone else" maybe you shouldn't make that assumption about people you don't know. When I was poking at lecter I asked him why he acts the way he does on here. He has not answered yet and I have only guesses until he does. People use the certain aspects of the internet as escapes, doing something they normally can't in society.

And yeah, the thread was destined to be locked the moment lecter turned on the flames.
Mar 04, 2009 LeberMac link
Well, I posted this because you can't get to page 8 of the duelrankings unless you manually type it in - the rankings are apparently limited to 7 pages for some reason.

Ironically, Who?Me?'s ranking ended up on the last page by chance, which was kinda funny to me, so I posted it.

Lecter is right on two counts: I know very well Who?Me?'s quest for the lowest possible duel ranking as I encouraged him in it (I did... * died) And it was indeed around -400 for a short time back in 2006 as I recall.

However, Lecter is pretty good at being a dick. But then again, so am I. So I don't let him get to me too much. Until Lecter & I can settle things with a fencing match in the future, we will be forced to use the VO forums as our arena, where the only rapiers are our wit, and he is hopelessly outclassed.

Since mine's razor sharp. You know, my wit.
And his is dull.

I hate explaining my clever puns.
Mar 04, 2009 Suicidal Lemming link
Cleaver puns?
Mar 04, 2009 Shadoen link
Mar 05, 2009 Dr. Lecter link
Poor choice, Leber. My USFA rating in epee is still an A ;) Maybe you could try saber, though. Definitly my weak spot.
Mar 06, 2009 LeberMac link
Hehe, t'would be fun.
Mar 06, 2009 toshiro link
Leber: Claymores. Real gentlemen use claymores (and I don't mean the APM... although that could be fun, too).
Mar 06, 2009 Dr. Lecter link
But the APM would be perfect for him, Tosh--it has simple directions on it that even Leebs couldn't fuck up!

Mar 06, 2009 toshiro link
I am not qualified to comment on that...

That said, sword fencing (i.e. sword and shield, 1.5-handers, two-handers) is pretty interesting. I probably suck at it (I suck at bokken fighting, too, on account of my reflexes, or their inexistence), but it's pretty fun to watch, and to see what matters. Not as fast as rapier fencing, but equally dependent on good tactics.
Mar 06, 2009 Dr. Lecter link
Seriously: it's a curved mine, and you set it properly by sliding the concave side down your body, while ensuring by feel that the LARGE, raised letters on the front convex side of the mine are facing away from your position and towards the enemy.

So easy, a LeberMac could do it!
Mar 07, 2009 vskye link
Mar 07, 2009 LeberMac link
Claymores would be fun. Might keep the locals at bay. (Either the giant sword or the antipersonnel mine, either would be effective.)