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People who take a game too seriously....

Feb 27, 2009 Tseng Toumoku link
Well all I can say is that its been amusing watching the threads of people screaming "SO-AND-SO IS A DOUCHBAG-!@#$&$(#(@ BIATCH. I QUIT!" In the words of someone I can't remember last night, "I AM AN ANGRY INTERNET MAN. YOU WILL HEAR MY ANGRY INTERNET ARGUMENT"

Well anyway, tell me-- all you people out there who get so pissed off when things don't go your way and start rolling and crying on the flour like a common 2 year old, what the hell do you expect? This is an MMORPG, and ANY MMO worth its salt will have a pvp system. That pvp system will not always lend you to fair fights and advantageous circumstances. You HAVE to expect that when you play, you're going to get knocked around a few times, probably have someone intentionally trying to get on your nerves and grief you, and may have everything you work for destroyed. That risk in an MMO is really what makes them worth playing if you ask me. Otherwise, everyone would win all the time... and what is fun about that? The aspect of loss is what makes victory so fulfilling and revenge so sweet. If you're not ready for that, why even play? Why pay over a hundred dollars for a years subscription if you can't handle it? If you can't handle the heat, the get the hell out of the kitchen.

And really, when you think about it, this game really is a low risk MMO. Try playing EVE, build a corporation, get an expensive ship, and then fly through dangerous space. If you last long enough, try even making a starbase. You know what happens? People lose expensive ships and clones that are very expensive-- they even lose bases and titans. That is a high stakes game. And there are a LOT of those kind of high stakes games. Hell, I've seen games where dieing means losing MONTHS worth of work, but that's the risk you take. This? This is hardly high stakes. It isn't anything to get a few hundred thousand in an escort or trade. If you lose a ship, you lose no stats, the modules and vessels are easily replaceable, really-- you don't lose much. So why all the whining?

Because someone is trying to press your buttons? Well that happens and you know what-- it's fun. Instead of getting mad and feeding the troll, why don't you be a bigger troll, get even, then start harassing the shit out of him? Who knows, you might get more fun out of it then you imagined. By getting pissed off and screaming about it all over 100 like an asshat, you're only proving that you deserve every bit of the torture you're receiving and will thus receive quite a bit more from others. If vengeance doesn't interest you, how about trying this new concept-- how about being respectful to the one who killed you? You'll usually get more respect in turn and may avoid further problems. That guy may end up helping you later even!

Point is: nobody likes a bitch. So stop being one or quit playing.
Feb 27, 2009 Dr. Lecter link
Feb 27, 2009 Sraer link
Wow, Tseng, you can explain the heck out of things, and make trolling seem like fun!

/me hunts Breazle
Feb 27, 2009 smittens link
I'll agree with you that in most cases, a thick skin will take care of things, there are also players who (due to the mechanics of the game) can *easily* ruin the play time of *many* other people, with hit and run tactics, interrupting fights, etc. I wonder if you think that's totally fine, or agree that something should be done about it.
Feb 27, 2009 LeberMac link
Feb 27, 2009 Tseng Toumoku link
"Wow, Tseng, you can explain the heck out of things, and make trolling seem like fun!

Heh... I know. I do tend to ramble and trolling can be fun.

" I'll agree with you that in most cases, a thick skin will take care of things, there are also players who (due to the mechanics of the game) can *easily* ruin the play time of *many* other people, with hit and run tactics, interrupting fights, etc. I wonder if you think that's totally fine, or agree that something should be done about it"

Absolutely not. Okay this is about to turn into another ramble but for Christ sake...Last night I was getting in fights in Sedina b8 when k'metreq came along and attacked usually out of no where, and usually he'd run off whenever anyone got him down slightly. Do you hear me complaining about it? No. Because that's the nature of an MMO. Things won't always be FAIR-- and they shouldn't be!

Now before you continue-- lets state fair. Many toss this around but lets be real. "fair" in a game, is ensuring that game mechanics are in place to prevent bug exploitation and to prevent certain players from naturally having dominance. A ship that is too powerful so that no one uses any other kind of ship is unbalanced. A system where one player or set of players has the ability to exploit bugs that give them speed/damage/accuracy boosts is unbalanced. Let me give you an example of a game that WAS unbalanced. Ever heard of Renaissance Kingdoms? Its an MMO where players create characters that are suppose to take place in Renaissance times. In that game, pvp almost never happened because of one little flaw. Every county had the ability to appoint officials to run it. One such official was a judge, who could detain and sentence those found in violation to a county's laws. Alright that seems fair. What was wrong though was that if a criminal raided, all a judge had to do was press ONE button that said "jail"-- and you know what happened? It did not matter how skilled the criminal was or if he could be elusive. It didn't even matter in some counties if the person suspected could be proven guilty. He was INSTANTLY detained. There was no resistance, no way of escape, no way of fighting it. A single puny judge could arrest 20 criminals and the men could never fight back. THAT was unfair game mechanics.

Now lets look at this game. That asshole who is hitting and running, who is griefing the hell out of you, who is interrupting fights-- he has a ship you can get. He has weapons you can get. He has a power cell you can get. He also can die just like you. There is nothing that gives him an advantage in game mechanics that is not available to you. All he has is a clever strategy and a will. The one thing that should NEVER be censored is strategy-- no matter how cheap, how crude, or how "unfair".

The one thing that game creators should NOT force to be fair is human innovation with the mechanics in place. If someone found out a cool strategy that gives him an advantage, let him use it. If his enemies are smart, they will find a counter or an answer. If not, they will just die and they deserve it. But it's innovation and wit that makes a game fun to play. The more you restrict a player's ability to create strategy, the quicker the game will become stagnant as before long, everyone will be doing the same thing over and over and over again.

Who cares if the guy is a punk who likes to interrupt fights? You and the guy who want to duel go find an empty space somewhere else to fight then! There is plenty of space you can use. If a guy likes hitting and running, then why don't you get aware of your surroundings and avoid him or-- better yet, prepare for him and turn the tables? My God, if they start programming the game to punish "unfairness"-- where will it end? What next? Stopping group attacks on individuals because it's not fair? Stopping potential PvP fights because one ship is statistically better than another? How about we do like Renaissance Kingdom and discourage PvP all together by making it damn near impossible because killing someone turns them into a poor little sad panda. I hope you realise that the more you force everything to be "fair", the more you restrict the players options and thus the less valuable the game becomes and people get bored after one month.

Enough with the calls to bans, reworking of game mechanics, and censorship. Its immature, petty, and foolish. Adapt or fall. Stop asking for devs to do things your way because "waaahhh he killed me! NO FAIR YOU ASSHOLE!!!" By crying and getting mad, you're only giving your griefer the satisfaction that he wants. Deal with it or leave. But don't turn this into some carebear fest. There's too many games like that as it is...

*releases his breathe.*

Ramble concluded...
Feb 27, 2009 Touriaus link
Feb 27, 2009 Whistler link
Your ramble is more of a rant. Rambles tend to be aimless, where rants tend to be focused but unrefined.
Feb 28, 2009 Dr. Lecter link
still too long; didn't read
Feb 28, 2009 vIsitor link
To sum up Tseng's lengthy posts: "I'm annoyed how people keep complaining on 100 about inane things, and now I'm gonna vent about it."

Somewhat hypocritical, perhaps, but nonetheless intelligent and well-written as far as newbie rants are concerned.
Feb 28, 2009 Tseng Toumoku link
Heh... I prefer the word "passionate". :P Anyway, just tired of people crying about how unfair a game is. I've seen many a game ruined because devs cave in to the annoying whines of carebears. Perhaps I'm being a little hypocritical for whinning about the whiners but good grief...
Feb 28, 2009 MSKanaka link
At least Tseng put it on off-topic instead of General, Suggestions or RP. :P
Feb 28, 2009 SuperMegaMynt link
Well, I stopped reading where you stopped being interesting, which frankly was about at the title... but the logic in taking seriously people who take a game too seriously was too delicious for me to pass up. Basically, in case in all that ranting you were wondering just why people might take a game too seriously, I have no explanation for you. I strongly suspect, however, that it is tied with iron to the concept of taking too seriously these increasingly hypothetical people. Understanding comes at the abandon of segregation.
Feb 28, 2009 moldyman link
What about those people who take it too seriously that people take the game too seriously? What about them?
Feb 28, 2009 Shadoen link
That, Mr. moldyman, is the right question...


*Dramatic pause, then fade to black*
Mar 01, 2009 smittens link
Okay I'm gonna go ahead and guess you're new to this game.

"Now lets look at this game. That asshole who is hitting and running, who is griefing the hell out of you, who is interrupting fights-- he has a ship you can get. He has weapons you can get. He has a power cell you can get. He also can die just like you. There is nothing that gives him an advantage in game mechanics that is not available to you. All he has is a clever strategy and a will. The one thing that should NEVER be censored is strategy-- no matter how cheap, how crude, or how "unfair"."

You're basically 100% wrong, in every way (although griefer ships are usually attainable by all, I guess that's right). There is something that gives him an unfair advantage, and it is a game mechanic. Running is incredibly easy in all but a loaded trade ship, no matter what the pursuer is in, the runner needs really no plan to escape. 90% of running can be just "Turbo," and the last 10% (when they come up against someone in a fast ship, who has plenty of flares, and is very good) is just "turbo, turn a little, turbo." And they'll make it out unless they do anything stupid... it has nothing to do with the skill of the chaser.

I'm not sure why I'm bothering to argue with someone who considers this a "clever" strategy... it's not. Griefing is easy, annoying, and entirely embraced by VO's mechanics. I'm all for thicker skins, but when a detrimental way of playing exists because of flaws in the game, that needs to be changed.
Mar 01, 2009 Surbius link
ven·det·ta ven-ˈde-tə
1: blood feud 2: an often prolonged series of retaliatory, vengeful, or hostile acts or exchange of such acts "waged a personal vendetta against those who opposed his nomination"

grief ˈgrēf
1 a: deep and poignant distress caused by or as if by bereavement b: a cause of such suffering
2 a: an unfortunate outcome : disaster —used chiefly in the phrase come to grief b: mishap , misadventure c: trouble , annoyance "enough grief for one day" d: annoying or playful criticism "getting grief from his friends"

A dictionary is a good thing.

Those with two braincells to rub should find the connection.
Mar 01, 2009 LeberMac link
Can't you just get a few guys together and gank him repeatedly for interrupting duels? What am I missing here? Just don't let him out of the station. Sheesh.
Mar 06, 2009 Tseng Toumoku link
Smitten I can see after examined what you've said that you are entirely right here, and I apologize for speaking in ignorance. Your approach came across as if you detested the idea of people having the ability to hit-and-run or interrupt a fight; and I really grow weary of anyone who suggests a change to game mechanics because "those griefers are so mean!!" I see now however that I had misinterpretted your views. I think hitting-and-running should be useable and I think interrupting a duel should be possible as people CAN avoid that by chosing a private location rather than doing everything in Sedina b8.

However, NO strategy should ever be impossible to counter. That is a sign of weakened, unbalanced game mechanics. Hitting and running should be possible, but NOT unstoppable and not in ships that are freakin trade vessels (seriously, wouldn't you expect hit-and-run skirmishers to be... I dunno, interceptors...?)
Apr 02, 2009 Lord~spidey link
griefers are easy to deal with, they have no honor show them none back to them organize and gank the shit out of them.
If you have to run from a griefer do it don't hesitate, trying to stand ground and uphold honor usually results in nothing less than frustration.

I personally take enjoyment in griefing but I only do it to those who I deem deserve it, so recently thats been Peytros, Agy, and Fusionburn. :) hehehe suckers