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For all those who hate EULAs...

Feb 18, 2009 MSKanaka link
... just get your pet to do it!
Feb 18, 2009 JestatisBess link
I heard about this on todays episode of Buzz Out Loud:

Its a nice trick and I'm not a lawyer but i think the way it was done you would still be agreeing to the EULA. Especially since the cat was "coerced and rewarded" into agreeing not you. Also you are using it not the cat. I guess its good that VO forces us to agree each and every time we play.
Feb 20, 2009 Dr. Lecter link
That's sort of like saying someone forces you to give them money before departing from their store with the goods for sale there.

Nobody's forced to do anything here: you're presented with a choice between agreeing or foregoing what is offered in exchange for your agreement.
Feb 22, 2009 toshiro link
Is a cat able to choose (in a legally binding sense) in the US? Because over here, animals are not entitled to make such choices (and cannot inherit, either, due to them not being a 'person' in the legal sense), and thus the argument that 'the cat did it' would be utter hogwash.

Just wondering, semi-seriously.
Feb 22, 2009 Dr. Lecter link
Tosh: the point wouldn't be that the cat chose--only that the human did not choose.
Feb 22, 2009 JestatisBess link
Its a non issue anyway unless the cat was planning on using the program. If the human never used the program then i guess it could be argued that he is not responsible for it. But since the cat isn't going to use the program but the human is they agree to thew eula.

I might be wrong here but isn't consent of the EULA implied. If i go to a friends house and use his copy of photoshop, isn't my use an implied acceptance of the eula anmyway?
Feb 23, 2009 Dr. Lecter link
It depends.
Feb 23, 2009 LeberMac link
Those two words are why attorneys make money.

Yay Capitalism!
Feb 23, 2009 Dr. Lecter link
They're not even our words. Those two words are implicit at the end of every law ever written.

Wait, the law says X . . . when does the law apply?

It depends . . .
Feb 24, 2009 toshiro link
I was going to write a lengthy post about 'It depends', but I decided not to (aren't you lucky). Just wanted to say: We say it, too... and yes, it means that the customer probably has to pay more money (but that depends, too).

But, thanks for the clarification. I guess the rest of the work is making the judge see it your way.