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U.S. Energy Independence Achieved!

Dec 30, 2008 Daare link
Dec 31, 2008 JestatisBess link
lol this is a little disgusting

Dec 31, 2008 Whistler link
Medical waste no longer belongs to the patient, and animal fat makes good biodiesel fuel.

On the negative side, the product of lipo is uncooked so could easily harbor communicable diseases - which is why it is regarded as a biohazard.

Los Angeles might be good for something after all.
Dec 31, 2008 toshiro link
Not to mention that this is not sustainable.
Dec 31, 2008 Professor Chaos link
I have a new hero. I've always meant to make a bumper sticker that says "Go (Soylent) Green", and this guy has gone the next step! Sustainable? Who cares, this is hilarious!

It reminds me of Fight Club.
Jan 01, 2009 JestatisBess link
May its not sustainable but could you imagine how many years worth of energy we could get from the fat ppl just in America. And i still think its a little sick.

I think they couldn't just put the fat into a car, it would have to be processed, just like other fats are to make biodiesel, so i doubt any disease survived.
Jan 01, 2009 break19 link
The new fat burning idea!

Eat your heart out, Richard Simmons...
Jan 01, 2009 MSKanaka link
Not to mention that this is not sustainable.

I wouldn't be surprised if it was sustainable, at least in the US.

Eat your heart out, Richard Simmons...

No more jazzercising, just drivercising? :P
Jan 01, 2009 toshiro link
No, it is not sustainable. Just think about it, you'll find out why. And I'm sick and tired of explaining why a lot of things are not sustainable even if they appear that way when looked at from only 1 ft away. I'm even using the psi system here! Lookit me being nice.