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Seven Deadly Sins of Online Gaming

Nov 16, 2008 LeberMac link

For those unwilling to click:
7. Item Poaching
6. Quitting Out
5. "Hump-o-Philia" (thankfully hard to teabag in Vendetta)
4. Level Abuse
3. Team-Killing
2. AFK-ing
1. Exploiting

Nov 16, 2008 Surbius link
I admit to #2.

EDIT: And I beg to differ on your opinion about #5.
Nov 17, 2008 IRS link
Forgive me Lord, for I hath sinned.

Back in my Starsiege Tribes days, I realized that many maps had symmetrical spawn points. If the map had everyone start outside, I would switch to a Railgun and squeeze off a shot without touching my controls for an instant, one-time headshot from two kilometers (more than double visual range). That's a #1, though it could only be done once per map.

Also, back in my days of playing Space Cowboy, I would take my gear and sneak behind the front lines during a big war to lay waste to any and all who appeared in the lower-level maps on the enemy side, until the screaming got so loud that a couple high-levels of their own came in to throw me out... when I would log out and play an alt so my rampaging could continue at some later time. Serious #4 and mild #2.
Nov 17, 2008 LeberMac link
Yeah I admit to some serious #2.

Those who admit to #6 and #1 I despise.
Nov 17, 2008 Professor Chaos link
"Yeah I admit to some serious #2" Hahaha! Me too. And I don't mean AFK.
Nov 17, 2008 smittens link
There is nothing wrong with 5. I've actually won Halo games by teabagging. It was CTF, and it was 1 to 1 with the other team on offense for the final round. They technically had a chance to win, but it was total butchery...they never got close to the flag. Finally my friends and I "ran train" on one of them (a well executed teabag where you form a line and all go in turn teabagging the corpse), and they quit with a minute left. So instead of a loss...instead of a tie... we got the win.

Also it's a great tactic against hardcore game playing losers. They tend to get super pissed off and lose their heads in the face of excessive baggage.
Nov 17, 2008 Surbius link
Oh, do I love scoring a kill on those 'leet' players in CS:S but I refrain from teabagging since it doesn't cross my mind and I rather pop a few rounds and watch their corpse dance.
Nov 18, 2008 Toimu link
Nothing wrong with #5.

I've done #3 when bored (but only in games with friends where dieing didn't matter)

And me and a friend have done #4 when bored in Diablo 2 LoD. (Pali + Zon = fun n00b killing!)
Nov 18, 2008 toshiro link
Those defending #5 must be joking. Or the bad kind of frat bois.
Nov 18, 2008 Professor Chaos link
People who complain about #5 encourage such behavior by being so vocally offended.
Nov 18, 2008 look... no hands link
I've had a history of number 3, just ask leebs, also number 2 a lot (right now probably) number 5 never occurs to me cause im immediately looking for something else to light up.

does using busguns count as level abuse?
Nov 18, 2008 vIsitor link
I AFK quite a lot, and I've been known to stockpile truly ridiculous things, so put me down for a #2 and a #7.
Nov 18, 2008 smittens link
Tosh, I think I just proved (QED motherfucker!) that teabagging is a legitimate strategy that helps you win. Also like Chaos said, it's fucking hilarious to hear how pissed off people get. And Surb, I think you can roll teabagging and corpse shooting (and whacking/grenade-ing/spinning) into one category of asserting your superiority. Tosh, I think you are getting bogged down with the literal understanding. In gaming, teabagging isn't as much "Oh I put my balls in your mouth" as "I just kicked your ass you suck." If hardcore players gave the same reaction for me saying "Good effort" I would do that instead of bagging
Nov 18, 2008 Professor Chaos link
Whoa, look out, smittens! I didn't say that. I said that getting pissed encourages the behavior; it's those who engage in it who think it's hilarious when the other team gets pissed off.

It is a legitimate strategy because of that. It's not what I would do. What would happen if a good team, instead of whining, took advantage of the team who is suddenly goofing off? That would change everything.
Nov 18, 2008 LeberMac link
Yeah, I can picture smitty as being the kind of dork who would train his Halo team to work on a coordinated teabagging scenario.


Still, no one admitting to #1 or #6 is good. Although I know there are those of you out there in VO who do it...
Nov 20, 2008 ShankTank link
Ewwwwwww Halo.

For a moment, I thought #6 was the "1337" player with the alt-code loaded name tag kicking the player that was beating them, but either one is just as bad. When that's the case, though, it's very common to be a victim of some seven year old admin pulling #6 in such games as CS:S. So I think if someone has done #6, they are usually the type that would not admit such a crime.

I admit to serious #2-age, though xD... A lot of it...

And unfortunately...I'm afraid L4D has become a victim of a lot of #3 :/. Anyone on that game can go on a server and just shoot all of his teammates and lock himself up in a bathroom lol. So in that case, I have done a bit of #3 in self defense... Once a server we were playing on had a guy that would just shoot us, so we shot him in the spawn room every time before we went out.
Nov 21, 2008 toshiro link
Chaos, I don't complain about it. Time in a match is too much of an issue to be spent on such things. It just makes me think 'What an idiot, I hope I'll never meet him' and carry on.

I only speak/type in Halo (to take your example) if I think I see obvious cheating or if I think teams are unbalanced.
Nov 30, 2008 break19 link
Wait.. where's the "ur mom" insult?

meh, guess that's not a sin.. just.. stupid. heh

Dec 01, 2008 IRS link
I never minded the insult-happy players (I suppose it would fall under #5 anyway), because it meant they had to hold still to type. All the better to snipe you with, my dear ;)