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Argument Thread

Sep 17, 2008 sfriedenberg link
You want to argue? Here:

Macs are more delicious.

Sep 17, 2008 Agrajag link
Sep 17, 2008 Dr. Lecter link

Argument over; sfriedenberg wins.
Sep 17, 2008 Snax_28 link
Your sugar coating of the issues at hand is disturbing to say the least Lecter. I present...

Exhibit A:

If one examines the evidence closely, one can clearly see an unidentified substance residing on the eastern portion of the assumed vegetable matter that can only be referred to as "Special Sauce".

Exhibit B:

Here it can clearly be seen the long term effects of this so called "Special Sauce" on any vegetable matter unfortunate enough to come into contact with this horror of modern day science.

Conclusion: Macs kill the environment.
Sep 17, 2008 Lord~spidey link

I win!
Sep 17, 2008 sfriedenberg link
Wait, so what do I do with this?


Sep 17, 2008 Dr. Lecter link
Conclusion: Macs kill the environment.

That's irrelevant to the issue of whether they are more delicious. Which they are.
Sep 17, 2008 slime73 link
Spidey's Octomac wins, because it causes abortions and several people have eaten it because they listened to a podcast. :P
Sep 17, 2008 Suicidal Lemming link
Sep 17, 2008 Lord~spidey link
Oh gawd i just puked a little...
hmmm bacon. :9
Sep 17, 2008 sfriedenberg link've scarred me.......please don't post such...shocking images......
Sep 18, 2008 Professor Chaos link
In defense of Dr. Lecter, my first job years ago was at McDonald's and I can honestly say that when I made a Big Mac it was very close to the picture. And I still eat them, because they're delicious. And they give me the most impressive farts.
Sep 18, 2008 look... no hands link
PC, try several warm beers and three hot dogs that have been in the hotdog ferris wheel for 36 hours, youll kill people up wind
Sep 18, 2008 Professor Chaos link
Hey, I bet that would work. Too bad I don't drink, or I'd totally try it! The worst fart I've ever smelled was from a friend of mine who had eaten two Wendy's Jr. Bacon Cheeseburgers a couple hours previous. She knew it was coming, too, and stopped right in front of me to let it out. Yikes! It was impressively lethal. Except it wasn't quite, because we're both still alive.
Sep 18, 2008 LeberMac link
3 words:

Cabbage & Bean Burritos.
Sep 18, 2008 look... no hands link
you need to add week old deviled eggs to the mix leebs
Sep 19, 2008 Agrajag link
week old deviled eggs...................O.O

I'd say that would be asking for food poisoning lol.

I do vote for deviled eggs for a starter, beer to wash it down with and then saurkraut and brats. Folks will be going home early from that party.........muwahahahahaha.
Sep 19, 2008 Professor Chaos link
Awesome. I turned this into the flatulence thread.
Sep 19, 2008 The Shedu link
I was station with a guy in Germany who strategically used the most dangerous combination of Zwiebelsuppe and Dark Ale to grant hisself an unfair advantage during base billiards tournament.

Nothing short of a biohazard.
Sep 28, 2008 IRS link
Now that Surbius has made me depressed, I came here to get an Argument, but apparently have found the Department of Big Macs and Flatulence in its place. Now I am depressed and angry, and shall proceed to suck all the joy from your future hamburgers with a stern warning about the health risks you face.

*pulls out a cargo box to stand on*

Ladies and gentlemen, have you ever thought of the risks you face every time you eat a Big Mac? What's that? Obesity? Oh no, nothing so minor in this lecture. I'm here to tell you of the real dangers.

The so-called "Secret Sauce" put on each and every Big Mac is an amalgamation of chemicals, ranging from MSG and BS to such exotics as Elerium(115), Threepwood Root Beer, and Perfectly Normal Beast meat. How is this dangerous, you ask?

It starts with hallucinations after the first five Big Macs. The imagery found in most McDonald's locations is designed to enhance these effects, which are usually found to be enjoyable at first. This initial good feeling soon wears off into a paranoia-inducing mental assault about two minutes into the experience. Eventually, victims begin to grow accustom to this, and even show signs of complete tolerance. This is when the true horror begins.

In an effort to regain that first rush, Big Mac consumption is pushed even higher. Around seven, the imagery experienced becomes even more disjointed. At ten, the chaotic visual and aural experience is manifested as full-blown seizures in the victim. At twenty, all connections with reality are broken. At that point, there is little that can be done for the victims, and they are doomed to work in rodeos, children's parties, and circuses for the rest of their lives.

Don't let this terrible fate befall you! The next time you feel like having a Big Mac, just say "No, I'd rather have Kentucky Fried Chicken", and who wouldn't? A whole bucket of tender fried chicken, specially prepared with eleven herbs and spices, in a time-tested recipe from Colonel Sanders himself- it's the perfect food for any time of day. So come on down to your local KFC, and enjoy some good, wholesome food. You know the consequences if you don't.