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Mac Users

Sep 12, 2008 sfriedenberg link
Odd question, but it seems that we have a vibrant collection of mac there any way to find out how many mac users we have in total? (out of the total number of subscribers, if its information we're allowed to know)
Sep 12, 2008 Dr. Lecter link
Could just count noses. I use a mac.
Sep 12, 2008 Professor Chaos link
Well, not all players use a Mac, but all the good ones do.

I use a Mac.

So I guess not all the Mac users are good, but all the good users use Mac.
Sep 13, 2008 toshiro link
Mac user here.
Sep 13, 2008 Aramarth link
*raises a hand, which holds a mug with an Apple on it*
Sep 13, 2008 Surbius link
Sep 13, 2008 Pointsman link
what's a mac?
Sep 13, 2008 Suicidal Lemming link
You know Surbius, Slashdot keeps its polls, you could have linked to it! And really, it's the discussion that is the fun part. See!

And I too happily voted for option 2.
Sep 13, 2008 Professor Chaos link
Can I vote a tie between Microsoft/Linux/Firefox? If I had to pick one, then it would be Linux.

At least we Apple fans have good stuff to be proud of, and Vista to make fun of.
Sep 14, 2008 LeberMac link
I use a Mac!

Oh, wait...
Sep 14, 2008 break19 link
I use.. well.. both. depending on my mood.

AMD Athlon 2000+ XP w/ 128M GF5200 and 2G RAM

14" iBook G4 1.42Ghz w/ 32M ATI Radeon Mobility and 1.5G RAM

oddly enough, the FPS on both is similar, tho I do run at a higher resolution on the PC (1152x864 as opposed to 800x600 on the mac)

ya know.. Linux fanboi's make me snicker. "Well, linux is better because it isn't microsoft" lol Yes, linux can be made to take less space than windows, for minimal functionality, and in fact, it runs on my linksys router (with only 1G of nvram) but I laugh at those people that think "zomg, its better because it's not windows, and that makes me cream!" lol
Sep 14, 2008 Surbius link
/me still needs to utilize that spare 80gb hdd for Ubuntu.
Sep 15, 2008 toshiro link
Fanboyism is worthy of disapproval no matter in which context it is encountered.

Just move along...
Sep 15, 2008 falleneyre link
*is a mac user*
Sep 15, 2008 slime73 link
*is a mac user*

Sep 16, 2008 Lord~spidey link
*hates Apple and Macs*
Sep 17, 2008 break19 link
^ is just jealous of OS X ^
Sep 17, 2008 Rejected link
Sep 17, 2008 sfriedenberg link
Oy! I only asked to find out how many Mac users there were for the sake of knowing.

Take your Mac v. All squabbles elsewhere if you must argue.
Sep 18, 2008 Professor Chaos link
You don't mention Mac or Windows, especially not together, especially not in a way that might compare the two or their users, and not expect a war. Seriously.

Of all my friends, the ones that come closest to that chick almost all use Linux, except a couple who use Windows. Very few of us are that weird.

After just having spent most of the last 48 hours (with no sleep) finishing a large geology poster I have to present in a meeting this weekend, I am more firmly in the Mac camp than ever. The software I used to make this was only on the PCs in the school lab, but I found I made much faster progress as soon as I started building most of the elements on my MacBook and moving them over. These computers are much newer than my MacBook, too. This story barely scratches the surface of the frustration in this lab, which is 70% Windows problems, 30% BYU-Idaho administration naziness. Nearly all the geology faculty and at least four of my friends so far have switched in the past year from Windows to Mac, just for fewer headaches and higher productivity.

There's my contribution to the Mac vs. PC war, here on this inconsequential thread, with no sleep and jittery from about five liters of Pepsi today. I'm not sure if I'm coherent, or imagining that I am....