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Acronyms! What Are They Good For?

Jul 29, 2008 Touriaus link
PA = Passive Aggressive - Part Aardvark

CLM = Crabs Live in Me - Can't Love Myself

TGFT = They're Getting Freaky Tonight - Teasing Gorillas For Treasure

SYN = Saw You Naked

ITAN = I Told Andy No! - I'm Totally Alone Now

ONE = Only Newbs Ever

GME = Guild Making Enemies

VPR = Vehement's Pirate Rescue

Some are easier to come up with than others.
Jul 29, 2008 Lord~spidey link
SCAR = Serco Can't Aim Right.
Jul 29, 2008 Dr. Lecter link
SCAR = Some Cowards, All Retards
Jul 29, 2008 MSKanaka link
(re: the topic)... absolutely nothing.

LUA = Lua Users Anonymous
SKV = Serco-Killing Vases
SDF = Serco Duck Feeders (old one, I know)
KAOS = Kittens Adore Our Salmon - Kissing Ass On Sight
EMS = Extremely Malicious Surgeons
Jul 29, 2008 Touriaus link
ST6 = Serco Total: 6
Jul 29, 2008 moldyman link
Dead but...

CDC = Center for Disease Control

still a classic.
Jul 29, 2008 epadafunk link

dude we own
Jul 30, 2008 Dr. Lecter link
I think that was actually CDC = Center for Disease Contraction
Jul 30, 2008 vIsitor link
Meh; I'm not very good at this...

ENB = Everyone's Nifty Buddies
BLAK = Borb Likes AFK Kills
HSAF = Heavy Seekers Are Fine
IPKG = I Got Player-Killed
DND = Dorks Never Die
NUTS = Naturally Unbalanced, Totally Sane
A1S = AOL 1!!11! Speak
IA = Idiots Anonymous
IDF = Incontrovertibly Deranged Fruit
SoR = Seldom Online Rapscallions
CORE = Citrus Orangutan Really Exaggerates
Jul 30, 2008 look... no hands link
TGFT = The Gooey Fart Tacos
TGFT = The Great Flying Turds
ITAN = Idiotic Turds Ain't Nice
NUTS = Not Using The Stairs
PA = Punk Ass
PA = Persistent Asthma
PA = Perverted Ass
PA = Philippine Army
CLM = Customer Lifespan Management
ONE = Oceanic Navigational Error
EMS = Eat My Shorts
EMS = Earnestly Masked Stupidity
EMS = Equipment Maintenance Squadron
EMS = Error Multiplication Service
HOBO = Homing Optical BOmb
KAOS = Keeping All Our Stupidity
VPR = Visible Protection Racket
Jul 31, 2008 Snax_28 link
PA = Pirates Aaaaarrrrrrrrrr....... us!
Jul 31, 2008 Professor Chaos link
My favorite so far is Citrus Orangutan Really Exaggerates. It's just such a stretch, and such nonsense I had to laugh. Good stuff.
Jul 31, 2008 break19 link
CLM = Cat Lover Meetings
SYN = Slow Yellow Noobs
Jul 31, 2008 look... no hands link
ITAN = Itani That Are Newbs
Aug 05, 2008 SuperMegaMynt link
MYNT = Mynt, your name's that!
Aug 08, 2008 toshiro link
MYNT: May Your Newts Teem
CLM : Can't Lift Moths
SYN : See Your Newt
PA : Poised Anteaters
ONE : Oh No, Ewoks!
SoR : Sleep on, Ruth
ITAN: Is That A Newt?
SCAR: Serco Chuckle At Roids
GOON: Get Off On Newts
TGFT: Tykes Go For Toys
VPR : Vestal Priestess Reunion