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So what's with this new "Dark Knight" movie?

Jul 20, 2008 Dark Knight link
I mean really.
Jul 21, 2008 Professor Chaos link
Hopefully I'll find out this evening. I'll let you know, really.
Jul 21, 2008 Dr. Lecter link
Eh, not bad.
Jul 21, 2008 vIsitor link
Ah! DK! Its good to see you around again!

"The Dark Knight" (as in, the movie, not you), is apparently a quality work of cinematography in and of itself (I've yet to see it myself, but, judging from reviews, I probably ought to). A good part of the crowd is drawn from fans of "Batman Begins", which I personally hold in regard as the best Batman movie to date, being about as good as 'Catwoman' was bad.

However, even more movie-goers are drawn by the morbid fascination of seeing the late Heath Ledger's (the guy who played the Joker) last performance. His untimely death, a mere six weeks after filming, caught the public's attention, and has endeared the same to his performance. But, really, if the commercials alone are any indication, he certainly did a good job of putting the fear of clowns back into people.

Perhaps when I go and see it myself, I can give it a more thorough review; until then...
Jul 21, 2008 Shadoen link
Pfft, Ledger's not dead.
You'll see when they give him that Oscar, the lights will go out and the Joker's laugh will echo inside the theater. Then the lights will turn on again and Ledger will appear climbing down a rope over the stage.
He will walk up to the person receiving the Oscar for him, while everyone sits quietly in disbelief. Then Tupac will come out and start rapping.
Jul 21, 2008 epadafunk link
if that actually happens i'll give you a cookie
Jul 21, 2008 Professor Chaos link
If that happens I'll give you all the cookies. The Dark Knight is officially awesome. The only thing that really bugged me was the stupid CGI two-face.... face.
Jul 22, 2008 smittens link
Ledger was...amazing. I very rarely have a movie mess with my emotions, but I was genuinely creeped out by him. I've never really identified with the phrase "gets under your skin" until I saw him...which is really what happens. He owns the camera, so that whenever he's in a scene half of you demands that they don't cut away from him, and the other half is terrified about what's going to happen when the ominous and recurring "Shit's going down" note in the music reaches it's peak.

Anthony Hopkins, you're great and all, but I'd be less scared of waking up and seeing your Dr. Lecter standing right over me with a goddamn knife than hearing a rumor that maybe just possibly somewhere in a desolate country Ledger's Joker actually exists.
Jul 22, 2008 Whistler link
I'm reminded of The Crow for several reasons.
Jul 22, 2008 Professor Chaos link
Oh, yeah, smittens, the note! The super scary extra-kill note! Kudos to Zimmer and Howard for such a simple way to build tension. I still think Batman Forever has the best music when listened to on its own, but music/story/character/everything in this movie was amazing. They just kept upping the ante! I won't spoil, but I really thought the movie was over for a bit, since they pretty much completed the formula storyline for this kind of a movie... but no! That amazing 90-minute movie was just the setup for 60 more awesome minutes of unpredictable awesomeness!

If you couldn't tell, I'm still blown away.
Jul 24, 2008 Lord~spidey link