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The Shedu waves to All the VO Dudes and Dudettes

Jul 12, 2008 The Shedu link
I've been offline a while, anyway, and now my company has finally transferred me
to one of it's European branches. Seeing how I only get ingame when I'm on the road
(and European hotel LANs are notoriously crappy), it'll probably be a long while before
I get back in game.

It has been fun.

The Shedu

* The Shedu may still peruse the VO forums, but will refrain from excessively trolling
threads (with the exception of threads referring to members of ITAN, SCAR, or TGIF,
ship nerfing, PKers, player owned stations, walking around on planets, pirating, the
UIT, Corvus, grey space, hunting miners, chasing traders, SKV, Capture the Cargo,
Badges, Sedina, player owned Cappies, 'roid temperatures, Bots, PvP, PvE, Newbs,
Vets, and Non-vets, Rodents of Unusual Size, CLM, Things We Blame BLAK For,
Why We Must Nerf the Valk, Border Skirmish, and Certain Other Things).
Jul 12, 2008 LeberMac link
/me will miss "The Shedu"
Jul 12, 2008 moldyman link
You're like me, except not :D
Jul 24, 2008 Ghost link
Take care Teh Shedu!