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Redneck Star Wars

May 30, 2008 Professor Chaos link
Ok, so one week ago today, we had a discussion of the classic Redneck Star Wars idea of "Luke, I am your father, and your uncle." I mentioned that I had once worked out a way for Vader to be Luke's father, uncle and cousin all at once. There was interest in seeing how it worked out if I posted it here.

There's a problem, though: I don't remember how I worked it out before (it was like, ten years ago), and I can't figure it out again. There's a possibility (oh, no!) that I did it wrong, and it's not possible. All I remember is that the solution involved only three or four generations. Here's the best I've gotten so far:


F = female, and M = male, of course.
First, a man and woman have a daughter. The daughter and her father have a son. That son - here representing Darth Vader - and his grandmother (who is also his father's wife) then have a son, here representing Luke Skywalker. As far as I can tell, this makes Vader Lukes father, some sort of cousin (half-cousin? once-removed? I don't know how those work), but I don't think uncle.

Maybe I need the first generation to have two children. Maybe if I spent my free (non-homework, non-work) time on this rather than playing Vendetta, I could figure this out again! Or maybe some of you have creative solutions. Or maybe I've waited too long to post this, and interest has fizzled out.

EDIT: Oh, no! My diagram didn't hold the spaces! I'll see how I can fix it. Inserting periods will have to do for now. :(
May 30, 2008 SuperMegaMynt link
Yeah, you have to use periods, like this.

May 30, 2008 Professor Chaos link
Is that Picard?

Haven't heard from you in awhile, Mynt!
May 30, 2008 SuperMegaMynt link
Yeah, I've been out eating all of Picard's Cake. That's why he's so upset.