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I am waiting for you, Ted.

May 20, 2008 Mary Jo Kopechne link
May 20, 2008 speeker02 link
Way not appropriate. And completely tasteless.
May 20, 2008 Dr. Lecter link
Way not appropriate. And completely tasteless.

Sen. Kennedy's actions (or rather, inaction) with respect to Ms. Kopechne, or the post? The latter of which does belong in Off-Topic, of course.
May 20, 2008 Professor Chaos link
So, um, did you create a new account in that name, specifically to make this one single post, and put it in the wrong place?
May 20, 2008 yodaofborg link
Defo one for off-topic though, cos being an ignorant brit, I have no idea who the hell either of these people are.
May 20, 2008 Dr. Lecter link
Yoda, here's what you need to know:

See also:
May 20, 2008 Snax_28 link
Is that a real ad, or another ill thought out (yet frakking awesome) cold sell/fan project such as this one.
May 20, 2008 Dr. Lecter link
1970's National Lampoon's spoof; VW sued them for it ;)
May 21, 2008 Professor Chaos link
Ok, so I finally read the article, and know what this post is about. Half of me wants to laugh and cheer, but the other half of me is ashamed that that half of me is so cruel. Yet another half doesn't care either way.

That VW ad is the coolest ad ever.

As far as Ted goes, whenever anyone accuses the Bush family of being a political dynasty or whatever, I just think "Um, Kennedys?" Also, how many Republicans could get away with what Ted "The Swimmer" Kennedy did, and still get elected, let alone not thrown in jail? Not Bush, that's for sure.

May 21, 2008 Dr. Lecter link
Half of me wants to laugh and cheer, but the other half of me is ashamed that that half of me is so cruel. Yet another half doesn't care either way.

First off, you must be HUGE, to have three halves.

Second, as I lack any portion, much less a half, that would be ashamed that I am cruel when it's richly deserved, you can see why I don't give a toss about speeker's whining, given how slimy Teddy is. I almost transfered out of UVA Law when I learned he was an alumnus (but even my hatred of Teddy isn't enough to make me suffer through two years of Harvard bloviating).

Third, I put it in General for the same reason anyone puts obviously off topic stuff in general: more traffic.
May 21, 2008 LeberMac link
Yeah, getting brain cancer sucks. Who knew Teddy had a brain?!?
In all seriousness, this is sad, he's been an Icon in American politics for 40 years, for good or bad.

His replacement will probably be even MORE rabidly liberal. How liberal is Gov. Patrick? Moderately so or Screamingly so? Someone from the NE chime in.
May 21, 2008 Dr. Lecter link
More rabidly liberal or not, his replacement won't be half the pig this swine is.
May 21, 2008 Whistler link
I've seen a lot of patients with brain tumors. It's a bad way to go. I think I'd opt for the easy way out.
May 21, 2008 Professor Chaos link
His mom should have opted him the easy way not in.
May 22, 2008 Dr. Lecter link
Whistler, your post pretty much just made my morning :) Thanks!