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the Shortest Books in the VO universe

May 11, 2008 ryan reign link
Dr. Lecters guide to etiquette
Famous military victories of the UIT
a tourists guide to Sedina
LeberMac's guide to mixed drinks
Corvus, a retrospective on ethics and standards
Ryan Reign's guide to PvP
the Serco Guide to Peace
the Itani Guide to War
the First annual compilation of Akanese love poetry
May 11, 2008 Spider link
The Tunguska Travel Guide
May 11, 2008 ryan reign link
the TPG's catalog of new ships
the Itani catalog of new ships
the Serco catalog of new ships
the Corvus catalog of new ships

(couldnt resist)
May 11, 2008 diqrtvpe link

(there's actually a book title in there, not just a sidescrolling monstrosity)
May 11, 2008 upper case link
planet landing for dummies
interesting station walkways
capital ship flight primer
a tourists' guide to devtopia
May 11, 2008 moldyman link
Soon(tm) and Other Famous Quotes
My Time on the Trial
[Itan]'s guide to avoiding drama
Fie! The Brief Brief History of the One Week Pirate War
May 11, 2008 Will Roberts link
Advanced Cloaking Techniques
When Ecka's Not Mining
A Noob's guide to Sedina B8
May 11, 2008 Dr. Lecter link
Ryan Reign's Intelligent Queries, Suggestions, and Other Posts (Unabridged Version)
LeberMac's Hints for PvP Victory
Mecha's Guide to Personal and Guild Stability
Dr. Lecter on Altruism and Forgiveness: Toward Peaceful Serco-Itani Relations
May 11, 2008 smittens link
Smittens' How not to be a dick
May 11, 2008 epadafunk link
Orun Bashik: A Biography
May 11, 2008 Dr. Lecter link
[insert any veteran player's name here]'s How Not To Be a Dick
May 11, 2008 zamzx zik link
Who your mom hasn't done.
May 11, 2008 Lord~spidey link
Roda Slane's Guide to Fighting with Honor.
May 11, 2008 moldyman link
The Handy Dandy Pocket Guide to Interesting Points of Interest in Our Little Universe
May 11, 2008 Ghost link
The Serco Backstory
May 11, 2008 Whistler link
The Complete Index of Items Posted to General That Actually Belong There, Instead of In "Off Topic".
May 11, 2008 epadafunk link
Clever Sayings Whistler Has Used To Move Threads To Off-Topic
May 12, 2008 ryan reign link
Dr. Lecter's recent flight log
Roda Slane presents, a guide to making friends
Dr. Lecter on the philosophy of living
Noob Fleet, the tactical training manual
the definition of "general"
the VO guide of "things to do"
May 12, 2008 Professor Chaos link
As opposed to "The Dev Guide of 'Things to Do'", which is several volumes.
May 12, 2008 Dr. Lecter link
Dr. Lecter's recent flight log

That might depend on the character, now wouldn't it.