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Anyone Here from Greece?

Apr 30, 2008 Professor Chaos link
Maybe my sense of humor is very rude and insensitive, but I find this very funny. It reminds me of how I can't call myself an environmentalist because if I do people assume I buy Algore's global warming crap.
May 01, 2008 Surbius link
It is funny.

And I laughed.
May 01, 2008 LeberMac link
LMAO. Is this for REAL? Gotta be frikking kidding me...
Leftover April Fools Joke?
May 02, 2008 Professor Chaos link
No, it's real. It's legitimate, too; I think the term "lesbian" as applied to homosexual women is derived from the term "Lesbian" as applied to any person from Lesbos, and I think it does have to do with Sappho. So, it's on one hand hilarious, and on the other hand they have a point. The problem is, point or not, the lawsuit is stupid, because how do you remove a word that is such an integral part of our lexicon? Making a fuss just makes it work. They should just forget it.

EDIT: I'm right. Sappho was from Lesbos, which is where we get the term lesbian. For another laugh, check out this list of "Notable Lesbians."