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Fave VRPGs

Apr 29, 2008 Phaserlight link
Video Role Playing Games

I'd be interested in hearing what other VO players are into

Here's my top 5:

1. Chrono Trigger

2. Silent Hill 4: The Room

3. Final Fantasy 6 (aka FF3)

4. Morrowind

5. Fallout
Apr 29, 2008 Shadoen link
Deus Ex
Apr 29, 2008 JJPro link

Best ever.

Otherwise, Ultima 5 (check out the remake called Ultima Lazarus), Wizardry 7 (200+ hours of gameplay) and Ambermoon (best Amiga RPG).

As you can see, i don't know the modern stuff so much (no Windows on my computer, no current games, except VO of course ;))...
Apr 29, 2008 Suicidal Lemming link
Super Mario RPG

Final Fantasy 9
Apr 29, 2008 look... no hands link
dragon warrior on NES was a good one, used to play till my thumbs were bleeding, got a scar on my left thumb from it to this day.

sam and max hit the road.

im sure ive forgotten some
Apr 30, 2008 toshiro link
The Virtua Fighter Series, Burnout: Paradise City, Gears of War