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Apr 22, 2008 Cunjo link

It didn't take me long to get tired of that silly login background...

or the bootscreen apple logo for that matter, changed it to a trefoil.

Now if only I could hack the damn GUI. That blue on white thing is getting old fast. D:
Apr 23, 2008 toshiro link
Logon Screen is easy, yeah. I didn't want to tinker with the boot pic, though.
Apr 23, 2008 Cunjo link
Incidentally, there is now an app that does the boot screen for you. Without it, I didn't want to touch it either... mainly because the format is a PITA to manage without some algorithm to convert it for you.
Apr 23, 2008 Lord~spidey link
hmmm shiney :)
Apr 23, 2008 smittens link
Badass. You should put in a green-shaded picture of some chubby guy with a pistol.
Apr 23, 2008 look... no hands link
My poor color vision makes for a hell of a time with that blue on white crap.
Apr 23, 2008 Cunjo link
You should pull your head out of your ass before you try and fit your foot up there, Smit.

Apr 23, 2008 Eonis Jannar link
enjoying those transparent Terminal windows?
Apr 23, 2008 LeberMac link
Cyberduck sucks. Use Transmit.
Apr 23, 2008 Cunjo link
Actually Eonis, that's called geektool - it's on the desktop, updated incrementally.

Cyberduck is free SFTP for Leopard. Transmit is not (free).
Apr 23, 2008 Suicidal Lemming link
Cyberduck is okay if you only occasionally use ftp, but if you use ftp a lot transmit is well worth the money.
Apr 24, 2008 toshiro link
Hmm... I like my desktop free of text (never been a fan of the bg info thingy, mainly because I use lots of windows).

I'm still very happy that Apple included a free wp randomizer with their OS so's I can cycle through my 2k+ (and growing) wp collection. That's another reason why text in the bg would not be a good idea.
Apr 24, 2008 Professor Chaos link
Holy crap, toshiro! I thought I had a lot of wallpapers since I was approaching 400! I agree, though; the built-in randomizer is awesome, and the screensaver looks great, too. I love it when I'm doing something and I see that super-smooth fade to another cool photo in the background.
Apr 24, 2008 toshiro link

You'll find tons of wp there (if you want to, that is. But I'm not on the extreme end of the 'wp gobbler' spectrum... someone said (i.e. multiply by 0.5) that s/he had 16 GB (i.e. 8 GB) of wallpapers. I only have 1 or 2 GB.

EDIT: Do not visit 4chan (if you do not know it...) from your work computer. I warned you.
Apr 24, 2008 Professor Chaos link
Thanks for the advice, toshiro. I've seen 4chan. It's too random for me, but I haven't searched wallpapers; I'll check it out. I'm not into what most people do for wallpapers, but what I have is very cool scenery pictures. I have a really crappy camera, but my dad has quite a nice one and takes thousands of pictures for geology purposes. I sift through them and find the most spectacular ones for my wallpapers. Eventually I'll have a good camera and take my own.

These are the ones I've picked out so far for wallpapers (lower resolution on Photobucket than on my MacBook, of course). 90% of them were taken by my dad, but a few were taken by me (much less quality due to crappy camera). Since they're geology, there's often a rock-hammer or pencil in the corner for scale, so I found ones where it's gone or not very distracting.
Apr 24, 2008 MSKanaka link
This is what I think of when I think "Hackbook". If they made versions using Macbook Pros, I'd consider getting one.
Apr 24, 2008 LeberMac link
toshiro said: Do not visit 4chan (if you do not know it...) from your work computer. I warned you.

Yeah, Seconded. I'll let this quote from Obi-Wan Kenobi describe my feelings toward 4chan: "You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villany..."
Apr 25, 2008 toshiro link
It's useful if you want anime wallpapers.

Professor Chaos, have you checked out yet? There are folders of scenery pictures. And I guess you already know InterFaceLift.

BTW, I did not mean to patronize you by mentioning 4chan, if that was how it came across.
Apr 25, 2008 Professor Chaos link
No, it didn't come across that way, and I know you're always polite and insightful on these forums. I'd never heard of 4chan until someone else awhile back on these forums mentioned it; I went there and saw some cool stuff and some other stuff I'd rather not see, and decided not to go back. I just went to look at wallpapers yesterday, and they do have some well-made ones, but not really my taste. Mine are quite different from my friends, and I like it that way. They're original photos that only people I've hooked up with them have. I'll check out your other link, though, since I don't limit myself to just those photos (there are 288 at that link I gave, I have about 350 if you factor in stuff I found on the internet). Here's a link to check out, of very good astronomy pictures taken by a professor at my university. Also, my favorite picture I use that I found on the internet, taken after a forest fire:
Apr 25, 2008 Cunjo link
I have a few wallpapers from 4chan, mostly just the postapocalyptic ones I like to keep around for my desktop... though most of my walls come from digitalblasphemy or deviantart (which is becoming increasingly handy for searching wallpapers and dock icons)