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Favre Done

Mar 04, 2008 smittens link
So what do you think?

I never really liked him, although this year I was starting to come around. Until the Giants game...

Throughout the season, whenever asked he would jovially respond that this was one of the most fun seasons of his career, an that he would almost surely be back.

Yet after the Giants game it was a different story. "It'll be a tough decision."

The fact that one game could so sharply change his mind, when he is such an important piece of this young team, is very shocking to me. I think this is rather classless and I am very disappointed.
Mar 04, 2008 LeberMac link
Being in Wisconsin, it's hard to escape this news, hell, it's all ANYONE can talk about today.

Anwyay, the story goes, Favre REALLY wanted Randy Moss on the Packers last season, but the GM Ted Thompson was adamant/dead-set/stubborn to NOT even pursue Moss. Favre was pissed, made some noises about retiring during last year's off season, but in the end, stayed.

Yesterday, news on the wire was that Moss was looking for a new contract since the Patriots hadn't extended his deal or offered him a new one.

I'm fairly certain that there was an exchange between Favre's people and Thompson's people yesterday that went something like this:
Favre's People: Hey Ted, Randy Moss is Available. The Packers have PLENTY of salary cap room, let's pick him up for a year.
Ted's People: Piss off, you old has-been, we went over this last year and we're NOT going after Moss.
Favre's People: He'd be an asset, we could really use the best receiver in the league.
Ted's People: Stop telling us how to do our job you hick.
Favre's people: Yeah, ok. I retire. KTHXBAI. <click>
Ted's People: O fuk.

So, after the brief period where Randy Moss was available, the Packers didn't even THINK about picking him up. And the Pats just signed him for 3 more years.

You can all speculate on this as you wish, but I'm pretty sure the big reason that Favre retired this year (instead of next year) is "Ted Thompson."

Wonder how Aaron Rodgers is doing...
Mar 04, 2008 Dr. Lecter link
/me thinks he heard a reference to this guy once in some weak-sauce ben stiller comedy... but really has no clue who this farve dude is.
Mar 04, 2008 Professor Chaos link
I only know because my wife is a big Packers fan. I could care less. She likes Favre, but has been saying forever that he's old and needs to retire. My though is that any guy who can't even pronounce his own name (I insist that it's Fav-ree) shouldn't have any career anywhere. But that's just me.
Mar 04, 2008 Cunjo link
It took that long for you to post this topic? Smit, you're getting slower... maybe you should retire.
Mar 05, 2008 smittens link
Leebs: That would explain his actions a lot more (as much as I didn't like him, I would never have expected such a wimpy excuse as the reason I gave) but I still don't know for sure. In his press release he went out of his way to mention that it had nothing to do with Thompson or McCarthy (sp?), and I'm fairly sure that if this were the problem Favre wouldn't have specifically mentioned them (and knowing football players, it's quite possible he would outright say how they negatively influenced his decision), so I'm still going to have to go with my Classless Baby Theory.

And actually, Cunjo I didn't post this right when the news hit because... I have stuff to do in the real world. I posted this at my leisure. I think even more pathetic is that you have resorted to patrolling the boards just to find a topic of mine so you can post a half-assed insult that really only reinforces my belief that I'm enjoying life a lot more than you.
Mar 05, 2008 Shadoen link
/me knows nothing about this football...
But I do know about the other one :-)
Football(soccer) ftw!
Mar 05, 2008 Dr. Lecter link
Smit, did you find no trace of sarcasm in Cunjo's post? I mean, he couldn't have been serious: even he isn't that big a D-bag.

W/r/t Cunjo's theory as to reasons, after just reading what's here I think Cunjo needs to recall a famous oratorical device. "I'm not going to stand here and tell you that Caesar/Thompson is a bad man, or that he is at fault here...." Of course, I could be giving Favre too much credit for a football player; but what I suggest makes sense if he has a modicum of class (not wishing to explicitly rip into his former team) but still wants to point out why he's leaving.
Mar 06, 2008 smittens link
I never knew he had the potential...