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Jan 25, 2008 Dr. Lecter link
Jan 25, 2008 vIsitor link
I thought your angle was Chianti and Fava Beans, Lecter?
Jan 25, 2008 Will Roberts link
Jan 25, 2008 Cunjo link

It should be Cold Guinness and Hot Pizza!
Jan 25, 2008 Whistler link
COLD Guinness? Savage!

You can't appreciate the flavor if it's too cold.

/edit: Well, they advise 5-8 celsius, or "cellar temperature". Thats 41-46.5 Fahrenheit, or 55 Fahrenheit for the cellar. One's home fridge should be at 38-40 Fahrenheit for safety. I like my Guinness cellar temperature or a little warmer, but not so warm that the head breaks down.
Jan 25, 2008 Dr. Lecter link
(1) I like my red wines, beans, and organ meats for dinner. This is clearly a discussion of breakfast, which leads into point no.

(2) Guinness should, in fact, be served fresh and COLD... however, the ideal breakfast serving of Guinness (aside from over cheerieos, pool-side, down in Hilton Head...) is warm, paired with cold pizza.

Also, any substance described by the adjective "RUNNY" should be disposed of with "HAZMAT" gear, not eaten for breakfast.
Jan 25, 2008 Lakche Seisu link
It takes a true master to produce pancakes of fluffiness equivalent to those of waffles even the most amateur of chefs might prepare.
Jan 25, 2008 LeberMac link
I disagree. Waffles > Pancakes.

Eating pancakes is kind of like sopping up caramelized sugar with soft inside of a piece of Wonder bread.

Waffles, however, are cooked to a golden crispy consistency, don't degrade in the presence of too much syrup, and hold up to copious amounts of whipped cream and/or cherries on top.

Any fool can make pancakes. You need a specific INSTRUMENT to make waffles: A Waffle Iron.

And, regarding Lecter's statement that he has warm Guinness in the morning, I say this:
Wow. What kind of parties do you go to? Where the beer that's LEFT OVER is Guinness? Everyone at the party has drunk all the single malt at that point? Now, in my experience, Guinness is almost unequivocally the FIRST beer to go at any party, leaving only warm Old Milwaukee or warm Coors Light or (shudder) Warm Hamm's to last until morning.

Although Cold Pizza in the AM is indeed the perfect breakfast food for the inevitable hangover. Nothing like sleeping on carpet with nothing but a throw pillow and the dog's blanket, then waking up to 3 tylenol, cold pizza and Saturday morning cartoons.
Jan 25, 2008 Shadoen link
I agree, Waffles > Pancakes
Jan 25, 2008 Capt.Waffles link
I agree with Shadon and Leebs, even the dog blanket part.
I'm also in the "warm" guiness camp.

Plus I was here first.
Jan 26, 2008 mr bean link
sounds delightful leber
Jan 26, 2008 Hedgehogs4Me link
Waffles>Pancakes. Unless the pancakes are whole wheat, but that's another story. Both are best with maple syrup, the real kind.

As for the people, they both taste bad =P
Jan 26, 2008 toshiro link
Misoshiro, meshi and aji or tamagoyaki > waffles.
Jan 26, 2008 Lord~spidey link
(A good match of F-o) > (Waffles + pancakes)
Jan 27, 2008 mr bean link
dude you people are crazy, think of all the delicious things that you can put on them! waffles+peanut butter+strawberry jam+cream cheese=awesome.
waffle pizza, mmmmmmm!!!
Jan 28, 2008 Dr. Lecter link
Leber: Guinness (with the occasional inclusion of Bass) is probably the only beer present. I'm (thankfully) not personally familiar with those other liquids that you list, but I assure you they would not be found at any party I would grace with my presence.

And the chances of *all* the single malt getting polished off in one night are slim to none: at least at my place, there's half a dozen linear feet of bottles :)
Jan 28, 2008 LeberMac link
Lecter, can I come over?
Jan 28, 2008 Capt.Waffles link
Lector, your parties sound stuffy.
Jan 29, 2008 Dr. Lecter link
If you're ever in NYC, Leber, drop me a line.

Waffles, you think what you like: if I wasn't having a good time, I'd do something else.