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The Phantoms(secret jedi)

Jan 15, 2008 Master Xeone link
Since the other topic about the secret jedi was going nowhere I thought I would remake the topic but change it up a little.

The Empire calls us the Phantoms. We call ourselves the Secret Jedi. The reason why we don't say our name to people who are not members is because we don't want the empire to know were jedi. We have the choice of carrieing lightsabers or swords. We usually wear black, but in places like Hoth or Tattoine or Endore we'll wear white, desert camo or jungle camo. We usually attack at night but if we have no time we will attack in the day. Please join the secret jedi at
Jan 15, 2008 slime73 link
Only if I can be a Grue.
Jan 15, 2008 Master Xeone link
untill I know what a Grue is you cannot be a Secret Jedi
Jan 15, 2008 slime73 link
Grues aren't from the Star Wars universe...
Jan 15, 2008 Master Xeone link
what are they
Jan 15, 2008 LeberMac link
They have slavering fangs, and when it is dark, it is likely that you will be eaten by one.
Jan 15, 2008 break19 link
I have a pet grue. One time, I put the neighbor's cat into his cage. All day long they played and played..

But, when it got dark, and I turned out the lights, I heard some noises from his cage, a loud howl from the cat, and.. a few seconds later a -burrrrp-

He musta been hungry.
Jan 16, 2008 Master Xeone link
I'm sry slime but you can't be a grue.
Jan 16, 2008 Dr. Lecter link
He could be a [GRU], however.
Jan 16, 2008 slime73 link
I'd have to recreate the guild..
Jan 17, 2008 LeberMac link
Or you could NOT recreate the guild and say you did.
Jan 18, 2008 Whistler link
It's pitch black...nobody would be able to see anyway.
Jan 23, 2008 Ticho link
Only the grue.
Jan 23, 2008 Shadoen link
/me slaps forehead
Jan 25, 2008 Unforgivable link
can i be an ewok? I can imagine it now, i would have a huge advantage because of size. one minute ur standing there, the next minute ur legs are gone and ur face to face with a jedi who u missed because he was so short. hehe