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Secret Jedi

Jan 13, 2008 slime73 link
No thanks.
Jan 13, 2008 LeberMac link
Cool. Do you have a secret handshake?
Jan 13, 2008 toshiro link
Always wearing black is a bad choice, for example on ice planets. You know, like Hoth. In the SW movies. Or on jungle worlds, like Endor. In the SW movies.

Also, since the Empire conducted an ethnic cleansing, getting rid of almost all jedi, you'd have a hard time coming by people with the genetic material needed to be able to use the force. Remember Episode I?
Jan 14, 2008 LeberMac link
What good is a damn secret society without a secret handshake?!?!?
Jan 15, 2008 mr bean link
what the hell is this?
whats the point of being a jedi if we dont get lightsabers?
Jan 15, 2008 toshiro link
But, you know, the Empire killed almost all the guys able to use the force. You'd have a really hard time finding useful members. But I'm not too fond of the SW universe anyway, going to stop caring...


No hard feelings, okay? If it were, say, Perry Rhodan, you'd have an instant member. Or Ghost in the Shell. But SW...
Jan 15, 2008 LeberMac link
I love Ghost in the Shell. It's awesome.
And they're kind of like ninjas, I guess. Plus they kind of have "force" powers if you think robotics give you super-strength and heightened senses.

Tachikomas Attack!
Jan 15, 2008 Professor Chaos link
In the Star Wars universe I grew up with and believe in, there are no such things as "midichlorians." Of course, that was before George Lucas ruined it all with that awful fan fiction he wrote and passed off as "prequels."
Jan 16, 2008 toshiro link
Yeah, it is awesome. If there were enough people, I'd be so playing a P&P GitS RPG, but there aren't in my country...

But yeah, it is awesome. Can't be said often enough. Must rewatch...

Professor Chaos, unfortunately (for us), Star Wars is his to alter. We may like it or not, but that's the way it is. I just turned away from it. I didn't like the midichlorian thing, either, though. Either you write fantasy or you write science-fiction. But changing the style halfway through is poor conduct :)
Jan 16, 2008 Professor Chaos link
Growing up, George Lucas was my hero. Looking back critically after the "prequels," I realize that the real Star Wars is not as much his as I (and most people) thought. The screenplay to The Empire Strikes Back (which has always been my favorite) wasn't even written by Lucas, and the movie wasn't directed by him. The Return of the Jedi was only co-written by him (the weaker parts, probably), and still not directed by Lucas. Lucas probably wrote all the Ewok dialogue.

Edit: What if Norman Rockwell suddenly appeared, and said that for the last 30 years he'd been spinning in his grave, because he always wanted his paintings to be not paintings, but 3D vector graphics, with new characters in them, and proceeded to remake all his paintings that way and destroy all traces of the originals. The end result is crap, but they'd be his to alter, right?
Jan 16, 2008 toshiro link
The rights are his. It's his to alter. And ours to bitch about... although I got over that a long time ago (well, for me a decade is a long time) and mostly watch anime now. They've often got better visuals anyway.

There's a manga of the SW movies (IV through VI), too...

and it's better than the movies. In my opinion.