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Screens of Death

Jan 08, 2008 Professor Chaos link
I stumbled on this accidentally while looking for something else. It's hilarious to me that the "Screens of Death" are sorted by color, like the Blue Screen of Death, or the easier-on-the-eyes-but-equally-frustrating Gray Screen of Death for MacOSX. I remember getting the "Sad Mac" icon on my old LCIII, along with that spine shivering car crash sound, far more unsettling than a mere blue screen.
Jan 09, 2008 toshiro link
Nice find :)
Jan 09, 2008 mr bean link
i remember that mac screen of death.
Jan 10, 2008 Professor Chaos link
That screeching of tires sound with the black screen and the Dead Mac face (not even Sad Mac, now I think of it)....

It is honestly one of the most frightening thing I've ever seen. I was only ten and I thought I'd killed out computer! I don't remember what it was, but it wasn't my fault after all.
Jan 10, 2008 toshiro link
I only ever got the Sad Mac (with crashing glass), the Dead Mac never occurred to me. I guess I was lucky. I've seen a few kernel panics happen, though.
Jan 10, 2008 Dr. Lecter link
/me fondly recalls the TONES OF DOOOOOOOMMMM!!!! that would occasionally sound from within the dusty depths of his old 512k...
Jan 10, 2008 Capt.Waffles link
I've gotten the "Sad Mac" face when i turned on my old iBook 700 once... followed immediately by the disk question mark icon. it was sad and I was sad...
Jan 12, 2008 Cunjo link
I remember figuring out how to kill the mac at school once... sad mac and death chimes on command.
Jan 20, 2008 break19 link
Man.. we didnt have mac's at school.. we had Apple IIe's and C-64s.. but they didn't come around until I was in the 6th grade.. come to think of it.. when I was a senior in high school, taking computer science class.. we -still- had Apple IIe's, C-64s, and 8088s in the library..

*edit* of course, at home, by that time, we had a 3yr old 486dx33 with 8M RAM, 2M VLB video card, and a 260Meg HD, and a 1x CD-Rom.

mom was the first person we know to have a CD drive in their computer. they had -just- come out with the CDrom drive, and most computers still werent shipping with them by default.