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The EeePc is Deeelicious.

Jan 07, 2008 Lord~spidey link
I got a 4 gig Black Eeepc and its so awesome I decided to post bout it to show off to all you people without an EeePc Nyah heres a pic of my desktop

this thing is so close to being perfect the one little thing thats in the way of some things is the nonstandard 800x480 screen sometimes it makes grabbing the next button take some draggin ut everything else is perfect

The Eee is totally worth the 400 bucks i whipped out for it runs ANYTHING flawlessly cept if its a fullscreen app that needs more than 800x480 to run then it needs screen scrolling.
Jan 07, 2008 toshiro link
I envy you. Me want!
Jan 07, 2008 SCAR Bank link
tiny screen is tiny
Jan 07, 2008 mr bean link
dude it sucks, it runs vo at high settings with 15 fps, it blows!
Jan 07, 2008 Lord~spidey link
Anyways for you who have EeePCs or those who intend to get one make sure you read up here ----> they have a kickass wiki and a really nice community in the forums :)

and bean i get 60 fps n sedina with maxed settings :P and i installed a really nice skin and it looks effing awesome
Jan 08, 2008 Suicidal Lemming link
Supposedly Black & White 1 works on it, definitely worth trying out. My brother has Gunz on his right now.
Jan 08, 2008 yodaofborg link
Heh, nice .zip there spidey :) No licence key for you I take it? :P Want mine? I don't use it either. hehe

I have 50 EEE PC's coming my way today (not to keep of course), so I'll get to play with em before I decide if I like em or not. I just can't see my big man-hands being able to use something that small.


I was right, no way could I use an eee pc without a USB keyboard, mouse, and possibly an external monitor. Them screenshots really do not show how small that damn screen is!
Jan 08, 2008 mr bean link
liar, you said it was 15 fps before.