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Dec 27, 2007 Touriaus link

So just to get the ball rolling, now that I have my guitar I need a better amp to go with it, right? So here are just a few links to amps. Again not looking to spend too much so we'll cap it at 550 again.

Dec 27, 2007 Whistler link
Any discussion of a guitar amp must begin with what sort of music you will play, and what sort of sound you want (clean, distortion, bright, etc.)
Dec 27, 2007 Touriaus link
Vintage sound with something of southern rock maybe. Warm and sustaining sound.
Dec 27, 2007 Dr. Lecter link
I wandered in here hoping there'd be an ee discussion. Oh well.
Dec 27, 2007 Surbius link
As did I.
Always look at the poster.

(EE as in Electrical Engineering right?)
Dec 28, 2007 MSKanaka link
Dec 29, 2007 Touriaus link
Sorry :P

Just a discussion on electric guitar combo amps.
Dec 29, 2007 Whistler link
Well, warm, sustaining, vintage sound all points to tube amps, or an amp with a tube emulator at your price point. I don't think any of the ones you linked are up to your specs, though the Crate one might do.

Might want to check for more reviews on this one regarding quality.

Dec 29, 2007 Touriaus link
Yep Tube Amps would be best.

V Series looks nice.
Dec 29, 2007 Fnugget link
lol lecter, surb. didnt know you all were EE types.
Touriaus, if you need effects boxes and you're in college, find an EE friend to take it on. If not to have a real circuit board, at least they can play around with one on a bread board and get your own unique sound.
Dec 29, 2007 richwmd3 link
the Fender GDEC is a very fun and good sounding amp.. a bit small tho . and those crate V Series are pretty nice too.

tho my personal favorite
a bit price but sounds amazing

Dec 30, 2007 Touriaus link
Pricey, and it's just a preamp head.

Dec 31, 2007 Tertior link
Any discussion of a guitar amp must begin with what sort of music you will play, and what sort of sound you want (clean, distortion, bright, etc.) Whistler
and what' sort guitar^
I played with a gibson lespaul with a amp Orange it's was perfet to play rolling stone etc...Orange is a good amp, fender too
Happy nex year and Vive lz groland
Dec 31, 2007 Whistler link
Dec 31, 2007 Touriaus link
Plenty of time to discuss on this one. Not in a hurry to buy anything. Probably won't have the cash to get it for a while.
Jan 03, 2008 Touriaus link
Any other thoughts or in depth opinions?
Jan 04, 2008 A-Dawg link
Try the Crate amps. I've got a Crate Bass Amp very similar to the V-Series. While bass playing is somewhat different, it has yet to be a let down in terms of volume, drive and sound quality. A lot of friends have Crate amps for their six strings, and rave about them constantly. Then again, My friends and I are more into hard-rock and metal than southern influenced.

In the end, shop around and ask at a number of stores wheather you can use their equipment before they want you to make a judgement call, and don't let them rush you. The more you test it out and find out first hand, the more easier it'll become. As well as far more useful than reading reviews on the internet.