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Dec 20, 2007 Pyroman_Ace link
Note: This thread is being used for a copy/paste extension for a discussion on another board. To see the full thread this is for, please go here:

Suggestions for the start of Itani/Serconian war in VO

The basis for the start of an actual interstellar armed conflict between the nations of Itan and the Serco Dominion should be the initiation of NPC based warfare in border systems and grey-space.

First objective should be to finalize the operation of Capital Ship battles in the VO universe.
1) CapShip turrets- The capital-class ship turrets should be fully NPC/Player controllable at all times. The Itani and Serco ships should be classified as Kill On Sight based on their IFF frequencies.
2) CapShip Combat- The capital-class ships should be geared better to engage one another both Ship to Ship as well as Fleet to Fleet. Additionally, capital-class cruisers should carry the ability to act as mobile fighter carriers.
The definition of a capital ship is to be able to project authority at long range, as well as refuel and repair support ships that it can carry aboard it. The NPC cruisers should be able to carry and support a small squadron of Vulture fighters and Warthog fighters into combat. The ship should carry a mix of these ships in a standard ratio, something like 12 Vultures and 6 Warthogs.
The Vulture fighters would clear the area around the capital class ships and their player based support vessels. The Warthog fighters would then be free to engage and destroy the enemy capital ships turrets. The fighters would have script written for them that they return to the ship after sustaining a certain percentage of damage, or would respawn aboard the allied capital class if destroyed after a certain time delay (15 seconds).
Additionally, players, as now, act as both the operational element of the turrets, and when needed, can exit the cruiser in their personal ships to engage hostiles.

Second objective should be to revamp the map into open combat sectors.
1) Set the border systems between Serco and Itani space as “frontlines” where capital-class ships and fighters from both sides constantly engage.
2) Set the border sectors as uninhabited free-fire zones. Perhaps loaded with debris from destroyed ships and shattered asteroids.
The border sectors should be under heavy and constant monitoring of national defense craft (Vultures) and NPC fleets from the opposing nation should constantly launch attacks across the border. These attacks will mean that border zones are inherently hostile to everyone and that new players should be advised strongly against entering the area. Perhaps denoting on the map that hostilities are constant and uncontrolled.

Third objective would be to add a new set of missions to the game to complement the new war.
1) Assault Missions:
-Attack Capship: This mission would put the player in charge of leading a strike force of fighters against an enemy capital-class ship with the intent of destroying it.
(ex: “Attack and destroy the SMV Hellgate in Helios F-12”)
-Attack Fighters: This mission would put the player in charge of a much smaller squadron of allied fighters in an attack against an enemy fighter squadron with the intent of destroying it.
(ex: “Attack and destroy 6 Itani Fighters in Helios F-12”)
(ex: “Attack and destroy all Itani Fighters in Helios F-12”)
-Attack Convoy: This mission would be a solo, unsupported mission that sends the player to destroy an enemy convoy of supply ships.
(ex: “Attack and destroy the Serco Supply Convoy in Helios F-12”)
2) Defense Missions:
-Defend Capship: This mission would put the player in a sector defense role pushing back an enemy incursion of a capital ship and it’s supporting fighter squadrons.
(ex: Defend and destroy the IDV Fury attacking Pyronis D-13)
-Defend Squadron: This mission would put the player in a sector defense role pushing back an enemy incursion of fighters and similar light ships.
(ex: Defend and destroy all Itani fighters attacking Pyronis D-13)
3) Intelligence Gathering
-Acquire Intel: This mission would put the player in charge of flying behind enemy lines and scanning for a particular enemy vessel before returning to base with the information.
(ex: Scan for Itani fighters in Helios F-7, then return to Pyronis D-13)
-Retrieve Intel: This mission would put the player in charge of flying behind enemy lines and landing on a hostile station to pickup a piece of intelligence cargo before returning to base.
(ex: Retrieve intelligence disk from Itan F-6 Station, then return the information to Sol II, H-11 “SkyCommand”)
4) Fly Support
-Escort Cruiser: Escort a capital class ship and assist in destroying all enemy forces in it’s target system while protecting the capital class from destruction. Escort would be one-way,
(ex: Fly to Helios F-8 with the SMV Nemisis, destroy all Itani ships present, before returning to base)
-Escort Fighters: Escort a squadron of fighters and assist in destroying all enemy forces in their target system while preventing the complete annihilation of the squadron. Escort is one way.
(ex: Fly to Helios F-8 with Serco Military Squadron “Garudda”, destroy all Itani ships present before returning to base)
-Escort Supply Convoy: Escort a war-supply convoy to the frontlines, protecting the convoy from annihilation. Escort is one way.
(ex: Fly to Helios F-8 with Supply Convoy 2315, resupplying the SMV Storm before returning to base)
(ex: Fly to Helios F-8 with Supply Convoy 2315, resupplying the local station before returning to base)

Another critical aspect of the new war will be the implementation of fleet fights. The fighters and light support ships currently available to heavy combat are insufficient for the back-story account of the war, and are not logical for the long-range projection required for warfare.
One operational fleet design is as follows (centered for sector fighting, not system)
Sector Control Fleet
-Capital Cruiser/Frigate
-Docked Vultures (12x)
-Docked Warthogs (6x)
-Support Ships: Ragnoroks, Prometheus/Valkyries
-Resupply Ships: Centaurs, Behemoths
This fleet design is based on a US Navy fleet of today. The fleet is centered around the capital-class ship. The capital class plays the heaviest role, deploying it’s fighters and heavy guns, while the support ships defend against smaller, lighter attacks on the capital ship. Additionally, the supply ships act as juicy targets that require protecting. An incentive for defending them would be the promise of extra payment for their safe return at the end of a mission.
This fleet is geared towards controlling only one sector at a time, and can be the principal unit for major fighting on the frontlines. It is not powerful enough to break and control an entire system, but is more than effective at sector fighting, and would require a decent sized fleet to break through once it controls an area.

System Control Fleet:
-3x Capital Cruisers/Frigates
-Docked Vultures (36x)
-Docked Warthogs (18x)
-Support Ships
-Supply Ships
This fleet design is geared towards taking control of an entire enemy system by fanning out and controlling all the wormhole entrances to the entire system. The fleet is merely a larger version of the sector defense fleet, but with concentrated firepower in their initial power projection, and near impossible to break through without an allied fleet once they control a system.

Relating to the capital combat option entering the game. It may be necessary to introduce several new designs of capital-class cruiser to the mix. This would allow for a more visible fleet type, as well as a mix-and-match style of fleet work. Being able to mix Frigates, Cruisers, Carriers, Corvettes, and Battleships would also allow certain variances in the fleet design, making things interesting in open combat.
Examples of new capitals, borrowing the currently existing Frigate, but upgrading it to a Battleship, and giving in 12 Vultures and 6 Warthog fighters.

Shields: 30000
Hull: 21000
Weapons: 2 Heavy Batteries
2 Medium Batteries
3 Anti-fighter Batteries
4 Centurion Fighters

New Frigate:
Shields: 25000
Hull: 30000
Weapons: 4 Heavy Batteries
4 Anti-fighter Batteries
4 Vulture Fighters
4 Centurion Fighters -or- 2 Vulture Fighters

Shields: 36000
Hull: 42000
Weapons: 8 Heavy Batteries
5 Anti-fighter Batteries
12 Centurion Fighters -or- 6 Vulture Fighters

Shields: 50000
Hull: 75000
Weapons: 8 Anti-fighter Batteries
16 Vulture Fighters
8 Warthog Fighters
6 Centurion Fighters

The re-classification of the current “Frigate” to “Battleship” is more fitting with it’s heavy weapons platform design. The large number of batteries on it with the lack of anti-fighter weaponry make it a classic heavy-hitter style warship, befitting of a Battleship title.
Weapon-wise, the “heavy battery” is the current battery on the “Frigate/Battleship” that hurls a ball of energy but slowly and with a long recharge period. Designed to combat other capital ships, this weapon is most effective firing broadsides at the enemy ship. It can be used with limited effect on larger support ships but is easily outmaneuvered by fighters.
“Medium” batteries are similar, but with less damage and faster recharge rate between shots. These are geared towards engaging slower moving support ships, such as Rags, Behemoths, and Centaurs.
“Anti-Fighter” batteries are flak style weapons, incorporating the weapons styles of a Gatling Turret, these weapons fire incredibly fast, but due little damage per shot. These weapons are most effective against lightly armored targets such as enemy Centurions, Warthogs and Vultures. They are also effective at engaging smaller support craft, such as EC series or already damaged support ships.

The next step once the war is rolling based on NPC’s is to implement proper faction styles. The Serconians, known to have a superior military are more likely to engage in deep attack raids, passing all the way through to the Itani home system. Itani, being superior technologically, but lacking numerically in terms of military assets, are more likely to make small scale, surgical strikes at Serconian assets, focusing on severing supply lines and hitting weak ship concentrations before they can become combat-effective.
Additionally, utilizing specific sub-factions of each race as NPC variants would add an interesting twist to combat. Specialty squadrons and rouge interior factions can violate and be used as cross border units. It will be important to keep these factions inline with the back-story for NPC development, but player-created factions will also help this evolution.

Due to the war being Serco and Itani driven, the UIT faction will need to be compensated for. One recommendation is that the UIT be given the ability to enter the fray by working their Itani or Serco standing up.
Initially, UIT pilots can be offered missions to escort supply convoys from UIT stations to Serco or Itani space. Once they have completed enough missions to become trusted by a particular faction, they can be permitted more indepth missions, running escort for fighter squadrons and capital ships, then full combat missions placing them in command of squadrons, eventually permitting them the full range of missions, including intelligence gathering.
The order of missions types being offered should be approximately as follows:
1) Escort Supply Convoys
2) Defend Fighter Squadrons/Capital Ships
3) Escort Fighter Squadrons/Capital Ships
4) Assault Supply Convoy
5) Assault Fighter Squadron/Capital Ships
6) Acquire Intelligence
7) Retrieve Intelligence
The same type of progression should be used for Serco and Itani pilots, but with greater speed and efficiency.

The question has also been raised about how stations will play into any warfare in the universe. Initial ideas are for the capturing of stations but several other ideas have been suggested as well.
1) Stations can be “damaged” during hostile fleet activity in the area
-Stations could sustain “battle damage” when capital ships engage in fighting around the sector. This would be manifested as the station turning ‘off’ it’s docking ports one after another, until all of the docks are offline. Once all the docks are offline, the station can still launch pilots already inside, but landings will be prevented.
If a station is completely offline, it will broadcast a message such as: “This is station <X> we have sustained battle damage and are offline for repairs. Please assist.”
Once a station is completely offline, one recommendation would be to send a fleet to assist the station and provide humanitarian aide. This could be accomplished with a new fleet design, “Medical Fleet” or simply a Sector Fleet. This fleet’s capital ship would allow friendly pilots in the area to land and repair, but not provide the shipyard, armory or marketplace found on board the station.
-1 Corvette
-2 Behemoths
-12 Vulture Fighters
This fleet would be capable of responding to “spot” attacks. The Corvette would be a modified capital ship, called the Corvette-M (for Medical). The Vulture fighters would act as a defense action, mopping up the last enemy resistance, and protecting the fleet.
The fleet would remain active until the station was fully operational again, and then depart.

Corvette-M (Medical Assistance Ship)
Shields: 40000
Hull: 42000
Weapons: 4 Anti-Fighter Batteries
The C-M is designed as a non-combat ship, with just enough firepower to defend itself. It cannot repel a capital-class ship. It can handle taking aboard player’s ships in abundance, but cannot warehouse it’s own fighter squadrons, instead relying on long-range Vulture fighters.

The final aspect of Stations is the idea of capturing a station from it’s current owner. One idea is to overwhelm the station with ships, landing a certain number successfully will “overwhelm” the defenders.
Another idea is to control certain areas of space around the station with ships. Successfully controlling all the points at once will capture the station.
The third and final idea is to capture the station using a sort of siege assault ship that would ferry a sort of Space Marine platoon down to capture the station from the inside.

Space Marine Transport
Shields: 7500
Hull: 20000
Speed: 50m/s
Weapons: 2 Large (standard gatling turrets)

The SMT is designed to be a very very light transport, working off a capital ship or player controlled flying in very quickly and avoiding combat. Managing to land the ship would unleash a platoon.
Either one or more landings may be required, a superior station could defend better and require multiple landings, or a base number of one landing would be required to capture the station.

Finally, the scores of the war should be recorded in some player accessible fashion.
The easiest method of doing this would be similar to the old method of recording flag captures during the Alpha and Beta Test period of the game. Using a page on the VO website certain stats could be recorded.

Ships Killed Capitals Killed Total Kills Total Losses Capitals Lost
Serco 180 21 201 153 12
Itani 142 12 154 200 21
UIT 3 0 3 2 0

This table records the number of Non-capital ships killed, the number of Capital-class ships killed, the combined total, the total faction losses sustained, and the number of Capital-class ships lost to enemy fire.
UIT kills/deaths are recorded the same as enemy kills.
Dec 20, 2007 Pyroman_Ace link
Here is some of the preliminary "concept art" for a new line of capital class ships. I dug them up from a years old ship design contest that was put up on the forums.
Im a terrible artist, so these newer, updated design ideas are not the best artistically, but Im hoping if one of you is artistically inclined you can run with this.

I figure if we want this war, we're going to have to help the Devs and PCC get this ball rolling with some real steam. If we hand them a pretty advanced project and some clear ideas, we might just get this started.
Carrier Concept:
Corvette Concept:
"New" Frigate Concept:
Im still looking for something usable as a troop transport idea, and something that can become a cruiser. Ideas are welcome, lets get this thing moving finally.

Should note, when I say that we need to help get the ball rolling, please dont construe it as I think the Devs or PCC has gotten lazy, exactly the opposite is true.
The devs are busy as always, working out bugs and getting core content nailed down before moving onto major things that will cause whole new problems.
All I want to recommend is that anything we can do to help them, we do. They do a ton of work to bring us this game, and if we want all this stuff, there's nothing wrong with lending a hand where we can to the Devs or PCC.
If we can go to Incarnate or a1k0n and present them with some pretty clear ideas, and even some basic content ideas, it makes it that much easier for them to get everything moving on it since some of the legwork is done for them.
It's still a big project so dont just hop in on this expecting the Devs to pay attention to this in the next week. Even if they like whats done with this, it could be a year or more away from entering the game. So dont hassel incarnate or any other dev on this one.
Jan 07, 2008 yodaofborg link
Is this like a *do not press here* thread? Cos I'm no good at ignoring them buttons either :P
Jan 23, 2008 Hedgehogs4Me link
So I've been looking for like 3 weeks, there's actually no secret code in this? Wow.