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Laptop Stolen

Dec 07, 2007 Eonis Jannar link
Hay guize.

So, the astute of you may have noticed that I haven't been lurking in IRC lately, or shooting lasers at things, or pretending to be Jack Thompson. This is because my laptop has, shall we say, disappeared suddenly without a trace.

I've gone through all the motions - filed a theft report, put a trace on its MAC address, etc. - and it's pretty much completely locked down, but without it, college suddenly gets a lot harder. I took for granted how much it was a major part of my life, and without it, life sucks. I have a three-week-old backup, but any homework I did since then, or any music I bought, or any coding I did, or any poems I wrote, or any x I yed, is gone. Irreparably, unless somehow it magically turns up.

To make matters worse, AppleCare doesn't cover theft in its warranty, which will make getting a new laptop expensive. An expense which I'm not exactly in a great position to handle, given my financial situation. When I do replace my laptop (or hypothetically get my current one back), I want to get theft coverage; I've heard good things about SafeWare ( - do any of y'all use it, and if so, is it worthwhile purchasing it?

So, just wanted to let those of you who noticed why I haven't been around, and to tell you all to get a warranty which covers theft and to hug your laptop daily.


Dec 07, 2007 Martin link
You should be able to get it covered under your home and contents insurance. Sucks to lose a laptop. They end up being very much our identities.
Dec 10, 2007 Lord~spidey link
the most safe thing you can do to prevent your laptop from being stolen is keeping it close to you at all times and if your gonna leave it somewhere like a car or someplace like that make sure it ain't visible or easy to access.

suck tho :(
i would hate getting my laptop stolent
even if it is borked beyong repair at this point it needs a new mobo
Dec 18, 2007 ananzi link
did you change the password on all your email and other accounts? people steal laptops for identity theft not just to fence on ebay. oh and did you check ebay? craigslist?
