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Lo there

Nov 22, 2007 LaMas link
I just want to say re-hi to all the people who know me (thatswhy it's kind of off-topic). I re-joined vendetta with new equipment (and connection ;)) a couple of days ago and really enjoyed it from the first minute on. I look forward to grilling and being grilled by pirate scumbags ;) and to explore all the other possibilities of the VO universe in the future.

Nov 22, 2007 ArAsH link
welcome back Maso
Nov 22, 2007 zamzx zik link
Maso. I'll soon be using you for mayo
Nov 22, 2007 Whistler link
Welcome home
Nov 23, 2007 yodaofborg link
Ello Maso! :D Bastard, you killed my mouse!
Nov 23, 2007 toshiro link
Yo LaMas! Looking forward to seeing you in-game, perhaps.

Now we only need to get Lin back.
Nov 23, 2007 zamzx zik link
"Now we only need to get Lin back"

Nov 25, 2007 moldyman link
I see an osam. :o

*waves from the land of VO-less people*
Nov 25, 2007 RelayeR link
maso! Great to have you back. ;-)
Nov 27, 2007 roguelazer link