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Nov 04, 2007 Hedgehogs4Me link
In case anyone hasn't noticed, recently I've been really depressed. This is not chronic depression or anything like that, so there's no need to be alarmed. It's just that my life has been pretty crappy lately. I'm not going into any details, just letting you guys know.

That being said, this is no joke and should not be treated as such. I'd appreciate a little bit of encouragement when I'm feeling down, but if you really can't give any, that's a-ok. Just try not to make me feel any worse, I'm really in the slumps right now and anything worse would be... let's just say "not good".
Nov 04, 2007 Lord~spidey link
dude you live in halifax how is it possible for you to be down

go take a walk down spring garden or something
go watch a movie with some friends
take 50 bucks to a computer store
sleep more play more video games
those are the things that keep me happy/sane
Nov 04, 2007 Shadoen link
ye, sorry to hear bud. Cheer up, hope things get better.
ill ask you only 50% of my usual demands. :)
Nov 04, 2007 Whistler link
Sorry to hear it, HH4M.

Vigourous exercise is a well-documented way to lift your mood. Plus, it's free in case some of your woes are financial. Even the worst situation can be made more dreadful if you're deeply depressed as well. Perhaps, if you get your mood to lift a bit, you might be able to see some (safe) options for coping.

If you find that you are too depressed to follow-through on the things you must do in everyday life, you should consider seeking professional help. No shame in it, and it could just be temporary to get you through a rough patch.
Nov 04, 2007 toshiro link
I'm with Whistler on the PE.

Other than that, here's hoping you get through it, soon.
Nov 07, 2007 Pyroman_Ace link
Good luck man, and I hope you feel better soon.
Whistler is right

One other note I'd add, get out in the sun. Produces vitamins in the body that uplift the mood and improve self-image.
If there's anything we can do, just let us all know.
Nov 08, 2007 Phaserlight link
reading Kurt Vonnegut sometimes helps

Nov 09, 2007 toshiro link
Eating chocolate also helps. And usually tastes good, depending on the quality...
Nov 09, 2007 Hedgehogs4Me link
tosh, that's the best advice I;ve heard all day. *goes eats Ghirardelli dark-choc chips*
Nov 11, 2007 SuperMegaMynt link
The less corporeal your medicine, the quicker you can call it back should you need it again. Try music.
Nov 12, 2007 toshiro link
Chocolate is, though corporeal, fairly easy to acquire.
Nov 12, 2007 MSKanaka link
And, fortunately, very cheap. >.>

Unless you want the really good stuff. But it's still cheaper than pretty much anything else a doctor might prescribe for the condition.
Nov 12, 2007 slime73 link
Music FTW.