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This is a triumph

Oct 24, 2007 Cunjo link
did anyone else think that Portal was entirely too easy?

I burned through that entire game in under 4 hours and never died once. :/
Oct 24, 2007 Surbius link
Now do all the achievements.
Oct 24, 2007 Cunjo link
No thanks. making people go through the same game a second time just for some 'badges' that don't get you anything is lame.

the special challenges are a bit better, but now that I've already done one version of each level, I get tired of them quickly. It would have been nice if they had a 'difficulty' setting you could select at the start of the game instead.
Oct 24, 2007 Cunjo link
Note: I AM, however, looking forward to using the portal gun in HL2.